528 kết quả tìm kiếm phù hợp với friction / resistance / physics
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Các công trình
- Friction Experiment
- Friction demonstration
- Modeling Friction (Inquiry Based)
- Concept questions for Physics using PhET (Inquiry Based)
- Resistance in a Wire Remote Lab
- Resistance in a Wire
- Mapping of PhET and IBDP Physics
- Algebra-based Physics Semester one lessons, clicker questions, and schedule in pdf (Inquiry Based)
- friction
- Friction
- Types of Forces Investigation
- Friction
- Friction
- Friction lab report
- Air Resistance Lesson
- Friction
- Kinetic Molecular theory review
- PhET Simulations Aligned for AP Physics C
- friction asma
- Resistance of wire
- Resistance of wire
- Resistance and Resistivity
- Friction and Motion
- Basic Electricity: short inquiry activities includes ideas for several sims
- Resistance and Resistivity
- Projectile Motion - Physics 1 Lab
- Chaos Physics
- Conservation of Energy Exploration with Skatepark Physics
- Força de Atrito no "Friction (HTML5)"
- Friction Investigation
- friction
- FRICTION_FORCES_in_1_dimension
- Resistance in a Wire
- Ohm's Law and Resistance Virtual Lab
- Resistance in a Wire
- Ohm's Law Remote Lab
- Conservation of Energy 2: graphs analysis
- friction and acceleration
- Forces and Motion: Balanced and Unbalanced Forces, and Predicting Changes in Motion (Inquiry Based)
- The physics of the triple jump
- Roller Coaster Physics Investigation
- Energy Skate Park-NGSS aligned HS
- Forces & Motion: Basics HTML5 - Part 2 (Friction)
- Energy Skate Park Lab (html5)
- Forces and Motion: Friction
- Resistivity Worksheet
- Projectiles Air Resistance - It's a Drag
- Force of Friction Graphing Ff=(mu)Fn
- Forces and Motion - Friction and Free Body Diagrams
- Friction on Incline
- Resistance and Ohm's Law Investigation
- Internal Resistance
- Mechanical energy - Kinetic and Potential
- Reflection and Transmission Interactive Lecture
- Batteries, Resistance and Current
- Visualizing Resistance
- 2ª Lei de Ohm no "Resistance in a Wire (HTML5)"
- Conservation of Energy 1: Introduction (qualitative approach)
- Energy Skate Park Basics: Mechanical Energy Lab
- Friction Investigation
- PhET Lab Energy Skate Park 2
- physics is fun
- Phet Forces and Motion Basics: Friction lab
- D.C Circuit Simulation 1
- Parallel Circuit Electrical Relationships
- Visualizing Current, Voltage and Resistance
- Guia de trabajo - Friccion
- Testing Ideas from Classical and Quantum Physics
- Swinging Physics Using Pendulum Phet
- Phases of Matter
- Projectile motion
- D.C Circuit Simulation 2 - Series and Parallel
- Applied Forces and Friction and a Review of Newton's 1st and 2nd Law
- Simple trends in resistor structure
- Friction Quantitative Lab
- Resistance in Series Circuit
- Friction and Acceleration
- Air Resistance
- Resistor Networks: Equivalent Resistance
- Horizontal Launch Investigation
- mechanical energy - exploring kinetic and potential energy
- Ramp Activity 1: Using free body diagrams for motion on an incline (Inquiry Based)
- Energy Skate Park Lab Questions
- Forces, Friction and Motion
- Circuit Construction Kit- series of three activitites (Inquiry Based)
- Using PhET in Electricity Unit
- Capacitor Lab: Basics: Inquiry into Capacitor Design
- Physics Graphing and Introduction to Models
- resistance in parallel circuit
- Projectile Motion and Air Resistance
- What Affects Resistance
- MYP Physics: Gravitational force vs. Distance
- Investigating Resistance in Circuits
- Explorando variables de la electricidad
- AP Physics Orbit Lab
- Projectile Motion - Physics 1 lab experiment
- AP Physics PhET Projectile Motion Lab
- Forces and Newton's Laws Review
- Universal Gravity-building formula, quantitative with graphing
- Collision investigation lab
- Projectile Motion ( including air resistance )
- Regents Physics- Projectile Motion Intro
- MYP Physics: Electric Force vs. Distance
- Spring Force, Spring Constant and Elastic Potential Energy
- Forces Virtual Lab Ramp
- Motions Air resistance
- Electrical Charge Lab
- Explore voltage, current and resistance in DC circuit
- DC Circuit Lab
- Phet Skate Park Inquiry Lab and Graphical Modelling Activity
- Intro to Series and Parallel Circuits
- A Projectile Motion-Introduction (Inquiry Based)
- Density Exploration
- Projectile Investigation
- Lab 3 - Force and Motion
- Forces and Motion with Friction Group Activity
- Introduction to Current, Voltage, and Resistance
- Force and Motion Investigation
- vectors
- Force and Motion
- Water Waves in an Electric Sink
- Rezistorun Strukturu
- Resistência de um fio condutor
- Vectors for Physics 1
- PHET Motion & Friction Sim Lab
- Ohm's Law
- Current in DC Circuits
- Conservation of Energy 4 Energy Skate Park: Calculations with Conservation of Mechanical Energy using time graphs (Inquiry Based)
- Projectile Motion: Gravity & Air Resistance
- Rules for Forces
- Series and Parallel Circuits
- Alpha Decay investigations
- Investigating Forces and Motion Through Inquiry
- MS and HS TEK to Sim Alignment
- Ohm's Law
- Ohm's Law Relationships
- Interactive Photoelectric Effect Lab
- projectile motion
- AP Physics Gravity Lab
- Physics Lab Worksheet Momentum.docx
- Photoelectric Effect Phet Worksheet (AP Physics 2)
- Ohm's Law, Kirchhoff's Laws, Resistors in Parallel and Series Lab
- Preguntas de razonamiento para todas las simulaciones HTML5
- De Resistencia y Ley de Ohm
- Gravity Force Lab
- Energy Skate Park
- Projectile Motion Worksheet
- Up and Down
- Maze Game 1: Using vector representations to move through a maze (Inquiry Based)
- Beta Decay Investigations
- Potential Difference in Circuits
- Energy Skate Park Basics Energy Exploration
- Series Circuit Simulation
- Projectile motion
- Series Circuits Electrical Relationships
- Električni otpor i Ohmov zakon
- Parallel Circuit Electrical Relationships
- 2nd Law Simulation Lab
- Forces and Motion Basics Interactive Activity
- Investigation of LR Circuits
- Determine the static and kinetic coefficients of friction
- Ohm's Law - HTML5 sim
- vector addition
- Exploring Gravitation
- Discovering Ohm's Law Inquiry Lab
- Gas Properties Phet Simulation worksheet (AP Physics 2)
- Energy Skate Park Analysis Lab
- Pendulum Inquiry and Lab Report
- PhET Collision Lab
- Kinetic Molecular Theory- Introduction (inquiry-based)
- Circuit Construction Kit
- Activity: My Solar System for APP1
- Vector addition worksheet
- Undergrad MRI Workshop Activity
- Work and Energy Simulation Lab
- Dynamics (Gr11) Unit End Exploration
- Circuit Creator
- Force-time graph activity
- Kinetic and Potential Energy
- Introduction to Forces and Newton's Laws
- Forces and Motion
- Force
- Guided Discovery (Chinese/English) for Freshman University Physics: 2. Newtonian Mechanics
- Guided Discovery (Chinese/English) for Freshman University Physics: 3. Energy & Momentum
- Guided Discovery (Chinese/English) for Freshman University Physics: 6. Wave Interference
- Guided Discovery (Chinese/English) for Freshman University Physics: 4. Rotations & Oscillations
- Guided Discovery (Chinese/English) for Freshman University Physics: 5. Introduction to Waves
- Guided Discovery (Chinese/English) for Freshman University Physics: 1. Kinematics
- SECUNDARIA: Alineación PhET con programas de la SEP México (2011 y 2017)
- PREPARATORIA: Alineación de PhET con programas de la DGB México (2017)
- Graphing Energy at the Skate Park
- Projectile motion
- Basics of Electricity
- Computer Simulations as a Tool to Assist Teaching Basics of Electromagnetism (Simulações Computacionais Como Ferramenta Auxiliar ao Ensino de Conceitos Básicos de Eletromagnetismo)
- Projectile Motion Lab Exploration
- Ohm's Law
- Projectile Motion
- Ohm's Law
- Circuit Virtual Lab (Ohm's Law)
- Ohm's Law
- Fluid Pressure and Flow Phet Simulation worksheet
- 2D Collision Lab
- Ispitivanje fotoelektricnog efekta pomocu PhET simulacije
- Projectile motion
- Virtual Lab
- Vector Addition Worksheet
- Vectors worksheet
- Lab: Capacitance
- Magnetism
- Investigating Net Force
- PhET Lab States of Matter Basics
- Davisson Germer lecture and homework
- Conservation of Mechanical Energy (Lab Report)
- Pendulum
- How does mass effect the speed of a forced object?
- Quest for the Coulomb Cup
- Dinâmica (Atividades) nos OA's do PhET
- Intro to Parallel & Series Circuits
- projectile motion
- Ohm's Law
- Introduction to Circuits Inquiry
- How do PhET simulations fit in my middle school program?
- Ohm's Law with Series and Parallel Resistors
- The Two-Plate Special
- Lab: Electric Field & Electric Potential
- Projectile Motion Experiments
- Projectile motion worksheet
- Middle School - Electric Circuits
- Hooke's Law inquiry lab
- Middle School - series and parallel circuits
- Change Your Motion
- Verification of Ohm's Law
- Wheatstone Bridge
- Gases Understanding physical properties of gases (Inquiry Based)
- Waves on a String HTML5 PreAP Lesson
- KE and PE with the pendulum, Student
- Student Guide for PhET - Forces Motion in html5
- Introduction to Discharge Lamps
- Rutherford Experiment
- The Photoelectric Effect and Work Functions
- Intro to Photoelectric Effect Interactive Lecture
- Electrostatics Simulation lab
- Circuit activity 3 Combination Circuits (Inquiry Based)
- Circuit Lab 2 - Series and Parallel Circuits
- Mapping Electric Fields
- Understanding the Photoelectric Effect
- Wave Particle Duality
- Under Pressure
- Atomic models homework (Inquiry based)
- Density-introduction
- Forces and Motion: Finding the Mass of a Car
- EM wave analogy tutorial
- How to make a laser
- Probability and Randomness Interactive Lecture
- Horizontal projectile motion
- Forces in 1 Dimension
- Projectile Motion Homework
- Simple Series and Parallel Circuits Lab
- projectile motion
- Projectile Motion
- Student Guide for PhET - Ohm's Law in html5
- R-C Circuits
- Projectile Guided Inquiry
- Exploring Ohms Law with DC Circuits
- Discovering Series Circuits
- Bouncing Off the Walls
- Projectile motion
- Projectile Motion
- projectile motion
- Cavendish Lab
- Climate Change - Gas
- Projectile Motion
- 'Lectronic Plates
- Vector Addition
- Conservation of Mechanical Energy
- Gravity Force Lab Guided Inquiry
- Milk Trucks
- Pixel Peeping
- Net force
- Linear momentum
- Energy Skate Park Basics | Remote Lab
- Corrente e circuito elétrico
- An investigation into Building Electric Circuits (Inquiry Based)
- Maze Game- A Velocity & Acceleration Comparison
- Stern Gerlach clicker questions
- MRI lecture and homework
- Work Energy on a Ramp
- Energy Skate Park Basics Student Guide [HTML]
- Forces and Motion
- Static Electricity Lab!
- Energy Simulation Lab - Skate Park
- Energy Skate Park Formal Lab
- Signal Circuit and DC Circuit Construction Kit Lab!
- Virtual Lab - Circuit Basics
- Understanding Circuits
- Magnets, Electromagnets and Ohm's Law Lab!
- Projectile Motion - developing understanding.
- Fluid Experiments
- The Ramp Mechanical Advantage and Efficiency
- Projectile Motion
- Greased Lightning
- Projectile Motion
- Pushing Things Around
- Worlds of Wonder
- Simple Pendulum
- Introduction to Forces in 1-D
- FREE Auto-Graded PhET Activities on Quizizz
- projectile motion
- Designing Experiments Using Masses & Springs
- Lab Photoelectric Effect
- Projectile Motion (Lab Report)
- Balancing Act Homework Activity 1 and 2
- Energy Chains
- projectile motion
- The Ramp--Conservation of Energy
- Projectile Motion report
- Projectile worksheet
- 3 Projectile Motion Factors
- Circuit Inquiry Lab
- Gravity Force Lab PreAP using HTML5 Sim
- Forces and Motion- Effects of Forces on Motion (Investigation)
- Energy Skate Park
- sperimenta e rispondi
- Eletrodinâmica (Atividades) nos OA's do PhET
- Atividades sobre Eletricidade nos OA's do PhET
- Simple Pendulum Investigation Lesson Plan
- Radioactive Decay, Fission and Chain Reactions
- Movimiento en dos dimensiones: Caso del Proyectil (Two dimensions movement, projectile case).
- PhET Energy Forms and Changes Virtual Lab
- Projectile Motion Discovery
- Ohm's Law
- Energy Simulation
- Photoelectric Effect
- Crash!
- Bending Light Student Worksheet
- Exploring Fission (inquiry)
- projectile motion
- Bose-Einstein Condensation Lesson
- Exploring Newton
- PhET Forces Lab
- My Solar System
- projectile motion
- Circuit Simulation Lab
- Blackbody Spectrum
- Conservation of Energy (Energy Skate Park)
- Introduction to Fourier Analysis
- PhET Energy Skate park
- Projectile Motion Lab
- Electromagnetic Induction
- Investigating waves
- Electric fields
- Lunar Lander/ Fun Game
- Projectile Motion Simulator
- Electromagnetic Generation - Phet simulation
- Pendulum Lab
- Kinetic Molecular Theory
- Making STABLE Atoms Lab
- Lesson plan
- Discovering Newton's Second Law
- Conservation of Mechanical Energy
- Travoltage Lab
- Vector Addition Worksheet
- Projectile Simuation
- Projectile Motion Scientific Enquiry
- Projectile Motion
- Photoelectric Effect
- Exploring the Energy Skate Park
- Quantitative Predictions of Projectile Motion
- Projectile motion and horizontal component of its velocity
- Momentum Lab
- Charge and Energy Conservation in Circuits Inquiry
- Alignment of PhET sims with NGSS
- Introduction to Energy Model
- Microwaves Simulation Activity
- Charges and Fields
- Moving Man I: Velocity vs. Time Graphs
- Moving Man II: Acceleration vs. Time
- Circuit Lab 1 - Properties of Electric Circuits
- Coulomb's Law for Chemistry
- Radio Waves & Electromagnetic Fields Simulation Homework
- Microwaves Simulation Homework
- Conservation of Energy - conceptual
- Exploring Static Electricity
- Energy Skate Park Lesson
- Games in Net Force
- Projectile Motion Lab Report
- Simple series and parallel circuit comparison.
- Photoelectric Effect
- Static Pressure
- Addition and Resolution of Vectors
- Finding Wave Properties
- Modeling Gravity
- Greenhouse effect activity
- Circuit Principles and Applications
- Moving Man Motion Graph Review
- Sound Simulation Homework II
- Projectile launch angle vs displacement
- Charges and Charged Objects Investigation
- Hooke's Law and Spring Constant with Energy: Regular Level
- Horizontal Projectile Motion
- Modeling Paradigm Lab- 2nd Law
- Rubric for Simple Pendulums - What Affects the Period?
- Ενεργειακά Διαγράμματα
- Vector Activity
- Guided lab with instructions, screenshots and questions
- Activity: Wave on a String
- The Two-Slit Experiment
- Resistivity in a wire
- Electric Field Hockey Post-Game Analysis
- El ruido y la contaminación acústica en mi ciudad
- Online Assignment 4 Ms & Ss