Investigation of a Solution’s Color (Qualitative and Quantitative) - Guided Inquiry Activity A gold star indicates high-quality, inquiry-based activities that follow the PhET design guidelines.

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Наслов Investigation of a Solution’s Color (Qualitative and Quantitative) - Guided Inquiry Activity
Опис Learning goals for this guided inquiry activity include for students to be able to, (1) Describe the relationship between solution concentration and color intensity for various metal ions; (2) Sketch absorbance vs. wavelength spectra; (3) Develop a proportional relationship between absorbance and concentration; (4) Explain solution color in terms of the variable absorption or transmission of mixtures of red, green and blue light
Предмет Хемија
Ниво Додипломски - Вовед
Тип Guided Activity
Траење 60 минути
Одговорите се вклучени Не
Јазик Англиски
Клучни зборови absorbance, beer's law, color, concentration, spectroscopy, transmission
Симулации Ламбер-Беров закон (Lambert-Beer) (HTML5), Ламбер-Беров закон (Lambert-Beer), Како ги гледаме боите (HTML5), Како ги гледаме боите

Автори Ted Clark, Julia Chamberlain
Школо / Организација PhET
Поставено 5.11.14
Обновено 23.6.15