124 kết quả tìm kiếm phù hợp với math
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Các công trình
- Vector Addition 1: Introduction to vector math (Inquiry Based)
- Math in Motion
- Calculus Grapher for Math (Pre-Calculus or Calculus)
- Equation Grapher: Stretch Armstrong
- Quadratic Projectiles
- Math in Motion - Tasks
- Arithmetic Games (Inquiry Based)
- Estimation Game
- Gravity Lab- intro
- Middle School Math Sim Alignment
- Maze Game 1: Using vector representations to move through a maze (Inquiry Based)
- Math facts - Using the Multiplication Chart
- Masses and Springs Homework Determine Unknowns (Inquiry Based)
- Waves: Superposition (Inquiry Based)
- Wave Modeling and Wave addition (Inquiry Based)
- Ramp Activity 1: Using free body diagrams for motion on an incline (Inquiry Based)
- Springs and Things
- Fourier Making Waves Game (Inquiry Based)
- Maze Game 2: Vector controls for circular motion (Inquiry Based)
- Images from Convex Lenses (Inquiry Based)
- Moving Man (Inquiry Based)
- Sound: An Introduction (Inquiry Based)
- Gravity Force Lab : calculations
- Vector Addition 2: Understanding Force equilibrium (Inquiry Based)
- Wave Representations (Inquiry Based)
- Ramp Activity 2: Calculating Net force on an incline (Inquiry Based)
- Equation Grapher: Sketching Linear and Parabolic Graphs (Inquiry Based)
- Introduction to Median
- Shape, Center, and Spread
- Waves on a String (Inquiry Based)
- A Projectile Motion-Introduction (Inquiry Based)
- Linear and Quadratic Functions: analysis using graphing
- Area Model Decimals - Grade 6
- Slope and Speed (revised)
- Comparing Ratios
- Introduction to Fourier Analysis
- Energy Skate Park Lesson
- Lecture Demonstrations and Reviews the SIMS, My Solar System
- Refraction Investigation
- Fraction Matcher Scaffolding Lesson
- Intervention and Targeted Practice Tips
- Density Exploration
- Equality Explorer - 6th Grade intro to solving
- Radioactivity
- Back to the Basics
- Equivalent Fractions
- Variables and Coefficients
- Types of Quadrilateral
- Worlds of Wonder
- Introduction to Linear Relationships -7th Grade
- Projectile Motion Exploration
- Projectile Motion Simulator
- Ohm's Law
- Linear Relationships - 7th Grade ASC
- Equality Explorer: Homework + Class Venn Diagram
- Integer Addition and Subtraction Assessment
- Projectile Motion Investigation
- Photoelectric Effect
- Energy Skate Park Lab (html5)
- Projectile launch angle vs displacement
- Charges and Charged Objects Investigation
- Vector Addition Worksheet
- Radioactive Decay, Fission and Chain Reactions
- CD's, DVD's & Optical Commmunication: Binary Coding and Diffraction Errors
- Light Emission and Lasers
- Projectile Motion Lab #2
- Coulomb's Law Data Collection and Analysis (remote online learning)
- Intro to Waves I: Basics of waves in liquids