Следниве 1.156 резултати се најдени од пребарувањето middle school
- Bending Light (HTML5)
- Алфа зрачење
- Балони и статички електрицитет (HTML5)
- Балони и статички електрицитет
- Бета зрачење
- Бранови на жица (HTML5)
- Видови облици на енергија (HTML5)
- Глечери
- Гравитација и орбити (HTML5)
- График на квадратна функција
- Датирање со помош на радиоактивност-игра
- Движења и сили
- Движење во 2-D
- Движење на Буба мара 2D
- Едноставен МРИ
- Електричен хокеј
- Електрично поле
- Енергија во скејт-паркот: Основна верзија (HTML5)
- Ефект на стаклена градина
- Закони на идеален гас
- Звучни бранови
- Зрачење на електрицитети во движење
- Изедначување на хемиски равенки (HTML5)
- Како ги гледаме боите (HTML5)
- Кондензатор
- Лабораторија за гравитациона сила (HTML5)
- Лавиринт ( брзина-забрзување)
- Ламбер-Беров закон (Lambert-Beer) (HTML5)
- Ласери
- Месечева сонда
- Модел на атомот на Водород
- Моларност (HTML5)
- Молекули и светлост (HTML5)
- Напон на батеријата
- Направи атом (HTML5)
- Направи молекула (HTML5)
- Неонски ламби и други ламби на празнење
- Нуклеарна фисија
- Облици на молекул (HTML5)
- Омов закон (HTML5)
- Особини на гените - Основи (HTML5)
- Особини на гените - Основи
- Отпорност на жица (HTML5)
- Повратни (реверзибилни) процеси
- Поларност на молекули (HTML5)
- Поларност на молекули
- Потисок
- Пренесување на електрицитет (HTML5)
- Пренесување на електрицитет
- Проводливост
- Просто струјно коло (Батерија-Отпорник)
- Проток на флуиди и притисок
- Процена
- Радио бранови & Електромагнетни полиња
- Рамнотежа (HTML5)
- Рампа: Движења и сили
- Раствори шеќер и сол
- Реактанти,продукти на реакцијата и вишкови (HTML5)
- Резонанса
- рН Скала (HTML5)
- Рутерфордово расејување (HTML5)
- Сигнал и проводник
- Сила 1-D. II Њутнов закон
- Сили и движење - Основи (HTML5)
- Соли & растварање
- Тектонски плочи
- Тело на косина
- Транспортирање низ мембрана
- Триење (HTML5)
- Фарадеева Електромагнетна лабораторија
- Фотоелектричен ефект
- Хидростатички притисок (HTML5)
- Шетач (променливо праволиниско движење)
- Arithmetic (HTML5)
- Generator (HTML5)
- Geometric Optics (HTML5)
- Density (HTML5)
- Projectile Motion (HTML5)
- Fractions: Intro (HTML5)
- Charges and Fields (HTML5)
- Energy Skate Park (HTML5)
- Blackbody Spectrum (HTML5)
- Isotopes and Atomic Mass (HTML5)
- Atomic Interactions (HTML5)
- Curve Fitting (HTML5)
- Wave Interference (HTML5)
- Circuit Construction Kit: AC (HTML5)
- Circuit Construction Kit: DC (HTML5)
- Circuit Construction Kit: AC - Virtual Lab (HTML5)
- Circuit Construction Kit: DC - Virtual Lab (HTML5)
- Concentration (HTML5)
- Magnets and Electromagnets (HTML5)
- Magnet and Compass (HTML5)
- My Solar System (HTML5)
- Build a Fraction (HTML5)
- Pendulum Lab (HTML5)
- Molecule Shapes: Basics (HTML5)
- Gas Properties (HTML5)
- Natural Selection (HTML5)
- Plinko Probability (HTML5)
- Fraction Matcher (HTML5)
- Vector Addition (HTML5)
- States of Matter (HTML5)
- States of Matter: Basics (HTML5)
- Collision Lab (HTML5)
- Faraday's Law (HTML5)
- Calculus Grapher (HTML5)
- Area Builder (HTML5)
- Area Model Algebra (HTML5)
- Area Model Decimals (HTML5)
- Area Model Introduction (HTML5)
- Area Model Multiplication (HTML5)
- Build a Nucleus (HTML5)
- Capacitor Lab: Basics (HTML5)
- Center and Variability (HTML5)
- Coulomb's Law (HTML5)
- Diffusion (HTML5)
- Equality Explorer (HTML5)
- Equality Explorer: Basics (HTML5)
- Equality Explorer: Two Variables (HTML5)
- Expression Exchange (HTML5)
- Faraday's Electromagnetic Lab (HTML5)
- Fourier: Making Waves (HTML5)
- Fractions: Equality (HTML5)
- Fractions: Mixed Numbers (HTML5)
- Function Builder (HTML5)
- Function Builder: Basics (HTML5)
- Gases Intro (HTML5)
- Geometric Optics: Basics (HTML5)
- Graphing Lines (HTML5)
- Graphing Quadratics (HTML5)
- Graphing Slope-Intercept (HTML5)
- Gravity Force Lab: Basics (HTML5)
- Greenhouse Effect (HTML5)
- Hooke's Law (HTML5)
- Kepler's Laws (HTML5)
- Least-Squares Regression (HTML5)
- Make a Ten (HTML5)
- Masses and Springs (HTML5)
- Masses and Springs: Basics (HTML5)
- Mean: Share and Balance (HTML5)
- Number Compare (HTML5)
- Number Line: Distance (HTML5)
- Number Line: Integers (HTML5)
- Number Line: Operations (HTML5)
- Number Play (HTML5)
- pH Scale: Basics (HTML5)
- Projectile Data Lab (HTML5)
- Projectile Sampling Distributions (HTML5)
- Proportion Playground (HTML5)
- Quadrilateral (HTML5)
- Ratio and Proportion (HTML5)
- Trig Tour (HTML5)
- Unit Rates (HTML5)
- Vector Addition: Equations (HTML5)
- Waves Intro (HTML5)
- Gas Properties-Inquiry Middle School
- Sound_Inquiry for Middle School
- Balloons and Static Electricity for Middle School
- Conservation of Energy for Middle School
- Gas Investigation for Middle School
- Pendulum investigation for Middle School
- States of Matter for Middle School
- Projectile investigation for Middle School
- Circuit inquiry for Middle school
- Energy Skate Park for Middle School(Inquiry Based)
- Ramp Middle School Inquiry
- Building Fraction Sense Using “Fractions Intro PhET Simulation”
- Energy Skate Park Basics
- Middle School Math Sim Alignment
- Density Exploration
- NGSS Alignment Doc for Middle School targeted PhET Sims
- Energy Skate Park Basics Lesson
- Balloons and Static Electricity
- Density Lesson (with Putty Lab)
- Build an Atom
- Forces and Motion Lesson
- Hot Air Balloons Lesson
- Experimental Design with Forces
- Gravity and Orbits Lesson
- Chemistry Theater
- Air Resistance Lesson
- Natural Selection Lesson by UTeach
- Wave Basics for Middle Schoolers
- Gas Laws
- How do PhET simulations fit in my middle school program?
- States of Matter Simulation
- Build a Molecule
- Two Types of Energy - Mass & Spring
- Properties of Waves - Lab Guide
- Middle School - Electric Circuits
- Exploring Slope and Speed
- Exploring Gravity
- Slope and Speed (revised)
- Explorando la Gravedad
- States of Matter Simulation Lab
- Color Vision pHet Lab
- Middle School and High School Commom Core Alignment Document
- Force introduction
- Pendulum variables
- Reactions and Rates
- Middle School Science
- Investigating Net Force
- Net force
- Heat it Up
- Middle School - series and parallel circuits
- Pendulum Virtual Lab 2021
- Exploring Equivalence with Rational Numbers: Part 1 Fractions less than or equal to 1
- Exploring Equivalence with Rational Numbers: Part 2 Extending to Mixed Numbers
- Moving Man, elementary
- Moving Molecules
- Rutherford Scattering
- Potential and Kinetic Energy
- Series and Parallel circuits basics
- Energy, Forces, and Motion basics
- Energy Skate Park-NGSS aligned
- Forces and Motion
- Variables that Affect Gravity
- Energy Forms and Changes Simulation
- Go the Distance!
- Funky Functions
- Comparing Functions: Function Sleuthing to Find Rules
- Fraction Matcher Scaffolding Lesson
- Linear Equations in Slope-Intercept and Point-Slope Form using “Graphing Lines PhET Simulation”
- Solving Multi-Step Equations
- Similar Triangles and Slope
- Balancing Act
- Funciones divertidas
- Inquiry Activity: Waves
- Exploring EM Forces
- Parabolas on the Move!
- Describing Location and Movement
- Density-introduction
- Molecules and Light-inquiry for high school
- Induction (high school version) (Inquiry Based)
- Pendulum Lab: What Affects the Period?
- Arbeitsblatt Natürliche Selektion
- Balanced and Unbalanced Forces - What Causes Acceleration
- Using PhET in High School Chemistry- all my activities in pdf
- States of Matter - Lab Simulation - student procedures and questions
- the advantages of species physical appearances corresponding to living environment
- Reaction Rates
- Molarity Simulation
- Speed of a Wave NGSS aligned
- Wave Interference- Waves (Sound and Light)
- Sound Waves
- PhET: Energy Forms Worksheet
- Introduction to Gas Variables
- Using the area model with expressions
- Properties of representations of linear functions
- Mixing paint with ratios
- Isotopes
- Energy Transfer
- Exploring Chemical Reactions and the Law of Conservation of Mass
- Introduction to Waves: Liquid Matter, Sound, and Light
- Half Life
- Color Vision Sim Lab
- Wave Investigation
- States of Matter Modeling
- Relationship between electricity and magnetism
- Phet Skate Park Inquiry Lab and Graphical Modelling Activity
- Kesir Eşleştirme Sınıf Çalışması
- Rasyonel Sayılarda Denklik: Bölüm 2 Bileşik Kesrin Tam Sayılı Kesir Olarak Yazılması
- Lab- Wave Simulation
- Natural Selection
- Series and Parallel Circuits Inquiry
- Gravity Force Simulation - Concept Questions
- Microwaves
- Energy Skatepark Adventures
- Conductivity
- Light and Sound Wave Properties
- 8th Grade Science teacher
- Lunar Lander; Let the Force Be With You
- Properties of waves
- Natural Selection Simulation
- PhET Energy Simulations
- Kesirler - 3 Derslik Öğrenci Çalışması
- Density Simulation
- States of Matter Basics Simulation
- Sound Wave Introduction
- PHET Digtial Wave Lab
- Unit Rate as Slope
- Energy waves digital lab
- Unguided atoms intro
- Build an Atom
- Fencing Spaces: Fixed Perimeter, Changing Area
- Launching Pumpkins - Solving Quadratic Functions
- Electricity and Currents Phet Lab worksheet
- Equality Explorer - 6th Grade intro to solving
- Quick PhET Gas Inquiry
- Skate Park Phet- Science 8 and ACC Science 8
- Phet
- Fuerza y Movimiento
- PhET Number Lines Integers Stories Activity
- Build an Atom
- Natural Selection PhET Simulation
- Properties of Gases
- Intro to Greenhouse Effect
- Sound Waves Homework
- Gravity Lab
- PHET: Masses and Springs 2021
- Interactive Light and Color Lab
- Color My World Virtual Lab
- Momentum Lab
- Wave on a String Student Learning Guide
- PhET Atom Simulator
- Virtual Density
- States Lab
- Phet: Balancing Equations
- High School Inclusion Class Density Lab
- Dándole sentido a las Fracciones usando La simulación de PhET Fracciones: Números Mixtos
- Basics of Electricity
- Homework Activity I
- PhET Lab States of Matter Basics
- Forces and Motion Basics Interactive Activity
- PHET The Moving Man Motion Graphing Model Activity
- Visual Nucleosynthesis [Basic High School]
- PhET Interactive Lab on pH
- High School Chemistry 1 level Balancing Equations
- Measurements of Density
- Bunny Blitz
- High School Chemistry 1 level: Limiting reagents
- Electric Fields of Dreams for High School Exploratory Lab
- High School Exploratory Lab for Balloons and Static Electricity
- Water Waves in an Electric Sink
- Collecting and analyzing density data
- Greenhouse effect activity
- Density
- Introduction to Current, Voltage, and Resistance
- Float or Sink? An essay on the density of materials
- Exploring the density of mysterious objects
- Conservation of Energy - conceptual
- Comparing the properties of different materials
- Projectile Motion Discovery
- Circuit Virtual Lab (Ohm's Law)
- Force and Motion
- Force and Acceleration
- Concentration PhET Simulation Lab
- States of Matter PhET
- Atomic Marco Polo
- Working with Fractions
- Equilibrium Inquiry and Experiment Activity
- Plate Tectonics
- What Type of Light Bulb Should I buy for my Grandma?
- Projectile Motion
- Lesson Plan for Teaching Shapes of Molecule
- Simple Pendulum
- Lens Inquiry
- Conservation of Energy Exploration with Skatepark Physics
- The Simple Pendulum- What affects the Period of the pendulum?
- Number Talks
- Induction (college homework version) (Inquiry Based)
- PhET Energy Forms and Changes Virtual Lab
- Why do Icebergs Float?
- (BNCC) Comparando as propriedades de diferentes materiais
- Molecule Shapes Advanced
- Making STABLE Atoms Lab
- Ohm's Law Lab - Virtual
- Electromagnetic Induction
- Gravity Force Lab
- Electric Field Lab
- Energy Skate Park Lab (html5)
- Energy Forms and Changes PhET Lab
- Structure of the Atom
- Introduction to Oscillations
- An investigation into Building Electric Circuits (Inquiry Based)
- Energy Skater -- Introduction to Mechanical Energy Conservation
- Circuit Construction Kit (DC Only), Virtual Lab
- Estimating the Length of Everyday Objects (Inquiry Based)
- Testing Predictions for Projectile Motion
- Introduction to Electrostatics
- Maze Game- A Velocity & Acceleration Comparison
- Exploring Equilibrium
- Phet Nuclear Fission Simulation Lab
- lac Operon Simulation
- States of Matter Compare Matrix
- Designing Experiments Using Masses & Springs
- Swinging Physics Using Pendulum Phet
- Gas Laws Exploration
- Rutherford Scattring Simulation
- Exploring Equilibrium 2 (Le Chatelier's Principle)
- Density and Buoyancy
- Investigating the Greenhouse Effect
- Relative Density - sink or float
- PhET Collisions
- Balancing Chemical Equations
- Exploring Changes in States of Matter
- Mechanical energy - Kinetic and Potential
- Properties of a wave
- Ramp lab
- Molecules Are Made Up of Atoms
- Parallel Circuit Electrical Relationships
- Balancing Equations
- Exploring Average Atomic Mass
- Model of the Hydrogen Atom Handout
- States of Matter
- Introduction to Magnetic Fields (bar magnets and electromagnets) - Inquiry Based
- Finding Properties of Energy (via the skate park)
- Rules for Forces
- mechanical energy - exploring kinetic and potential energy
- Balancing Act Homework Activity 1 and 2
- Moving Man: Pos and Vel Graphs
- Boiling, Freezing, and Melting Points
- Blackbody Radiation and Wien's Law
- Circuit Lab 2 - Series and Parallel Circuits
- States of Matter
- Experimental Design: Projectile Motion!
- Kinematic Equation Activity
- Exploring Circuits
- Temperature and Energy NGSS aligned
- Equivalent Expression Exploration
- Introduction to Inequalities
- Arithmetic (Multiply)
- Describing Functions
- Quadratic Transformations (Vertex form)
- Exploring parallel and perpendicular lines
- Grocery Shopping
- Function Fun
- Understanding Line of best fit and Correlation Coefficient
- Compra de Comestibles
- Explorando líneas paralelas y perpendiculares
- Planeación de actividades para simulación “Balanceo de ecuaciones químicas”
- Electromagnetic Induction
- Electromagnetic Induction
- Molecule Polarity
- isotopes and atomic mass
- PhET Plate Tectonics
- What is Equality
- Salts and Solubility 4: Using Q and LeChateliers Principle
- Geometric figures
- Colors, Bunnies and Wolves: does the strongest survive?
- Ray Diagrams for Concave and Convex Mirrors
- Moving Man I: Velocity vs. Time Graphs
- Moving Man II: Acceleration vs. Time
- Ohm's Law, Kirchhoff's Laws, Resistors in Parallel and Series Lab
- Conservation of Energy (Energy Skate Park)
- The Two-Plate Special
- Balancing equation
- Opdrachten bij Reactanten, producten en resten
- Bending Light Student Worksheet
- 'Lectronic Plates
- Bouncing Off the Walls
- Pixel Peeping
- Moving Man Motion Graph Review
- Introduction to the Gas Laws using PhET simulations
- Build An Atom Guided Inquiry
- Exploring the Energy Skate Park
- Spring Force, Spring Constant and Elastic Potential Energy
- Quest for the Coulomb Cup
- Day 3: Conductors and Insulators
- Ph12 Lab 5F
- Natural Selection Lab
- Equivalent Fractions Day 3 of 3
- What is a Fraction? Day 1 of 3
- Comparing and Ordering Fractins Day 2 of 3
- Fractions 3 Day Unit
- 2D Motion
- The Maze Game
- Series and Parallel Circuits Basics
- Day 2: Exploring Kinds of Circuits (Series/Parallel)
- Day 1: Lighting a Bulb
- Circuits 3 Day Unit
- Making Sense of Slope
- Fracciones Equivalentes
- Unidad de Circuitos (actividad para 3 sesiones)
- La hauteur et la vitesse
- Lesson Plan
- Transformation of functions (Translation)
- Density Simulation
- Greased Lightning
- Cavendish Lab
- DC Circuit Lab
- Worlds of Wonder
- Newton's Second Law of Motion
- Investigating Forces and Motion Through Inquiry
- Force and Motion Basics - Second grade
- Experiment to determine relationship between wavelength, frequency and speed
- Exploring Stars and Blackbodies
- Ενεργειακά Διαγράμματα
- Reactions and Rates: Learning Goals from the design team (Inquiry Based)
- Refraction
- Ideal Gas Law Activity
- Combination Gas Law- Student Inquiry Activity
- Densità_attività lab._ITALIANO
- Bilanciamento di reazioni chimiche___ITALIANO
- Hooke's Law investigation including multi-spring systems and Energy
- Capacitors Lab
- Densità
- Projectile Motion - developing understanding.
- Color Vision
- Energy Simulation Lab - Skate Park
- Exploring the Behavior of Gases
- Balancing torques & Finding unknown masses
- Investigating time period of a simple pendulum
- Projectile Lab (Horizontal Launch)
- Projectile Lab (Angled Launch)
- Energy Forms and Changes
- Bending Light
- Mirror Basics - Locating the Image
- Gravity Between Bodies
- Projectile Motion Lab #2
- Energy Forms and Changes
- Charges and Fields
- Collaborative Assessment - Randomize Assessment
- Dynamics (Gr11) Unit End Exploration
- Magnet and Compass
- Charges and Charged Objects Investigation
- Projectile Motion
- My Solar System
- Heat or temperature?
- Heat or temperature
- 2nd Law Simulation Lab
- AP Physics PhET Projectile Motion Lab
- Sound Waves Lab
- Pushing Things Around
- Charles's Law Lab
- Photoelectric Effect
- Projectile Motion: Gravity & Air Resistance
- Making Molecules
- Vector Activity
- Moving Man with Position and Velocity graphs
- Projectile Motion Lab
- Forces and Motion - Friction and Free Body Diagrams
- Using Unit Rate to Understand Slope
- Force and Motion Investigation
- Is Natural Selection Fur-Real (adapted)
- Visualizing Mixing with Sugar and Salt Solutions
- Wave on a String Independent Student Learning Guide
- Collision Lab
- Modeling Gravity
- Electric Field PhET Lab
- 2D Collision Lab
- Moving Man Algebra uses
- The "Lifelike" Moving Man: Variation in motion graphs
- Moving Man: Simple Acceleration
- Intro to Rotational Motion
- Graphical Relationships in Electric Fields
- Finding Wave Properties
- Balancing Equations Game Sheet
- Blackbody Spectrum
- Physical Science Limiting Reactants Intro
- PhET Energy Skate park
- Batteries, Resistance and Current
- Experiments with Bar Magnets and Electromagnets
- Magnetic Field Investigation
- Introduction to acids & bases
- Masses and Springs
- PhET Shapes Inquiry Lab
- Ramp Simulation Activity
- Basic Thermodynamics Inquiry
- Basic Moments
- Moving Man Simulation
- Net Forces and Newton's Second Law
- Kinematics
- Instructor
- Greenhouse Effect Guided Worksheet
- Build an Atom WebLab
- Projectile Motion
- Introduction to Forces and Newton's Laws
- Universal Gravity-building formula, quantitative with graphing
- Investigating Ions
- PHET Charges and Fields Activity Part 1
- Moving Man
- Hooke's Law inquiry lab
- Introduction to Vectors
- Motion Labs using MOVING MAN
- Skate Park and Energy Conservation
- Exploring Newton
- Acid-Base WebLab PhET HTML 5 Version
- Photoelectric Effect
- Light and Atoms
- Density and Earth's Crust
- Exploring the pH Scale
- Making use of the Sound Simulations
- Energy Skate Park Lesson
- Introduction to Forces in 1-D
- Balancing Equations PhET
- Lab: Capacitance
- Lab: Electric Field & Electric Potential
- Molecule Shapes BASICS
- Moving Man Activity
- Gas Properties/Buoyancy
- Wave on a String
- Circuit Construction Kit
- Spring or Sprung?
- The Greenhouse Effect PhET Simulation Lab
- Collision Into Activity
- Electric Field Hockey Post Activity
- Maze Game
- NGSS MS-PS2-5 Aligned
- Coulombic Force Simulation Observations
- Virtual Collisions Lab
- Lab. Waves
- Stimulation of a Neuron and the Resulting Action Potential
- Maze Game II (circular motion)
- Acid/Base Solutions
- Isotopes
- Bohr model of the atom for Chemistry
- Lab Photoelectric Effect
- Investigation of LR Circuits
- Student Guide for PhET - Build an Atom in html5
- Student Guide for PhET - Acid Base Solutions in html5
- Student Guide for PhET - Concentration in html5
- Concentration Lab with Molarity Calculations
- Student Guide for PhET - Ohm's Law in html5
- Student Guide for PhET - Reactants, Products and Leftovers in html5
- Student Guide for PhET - pH Scale in html5
- Student Guide for PhET - Balancing Act in html5
- Student Guide for PhET - Molecule Shapes in html5
- Student Guide for PhET - Balancing Chemical Equations in html5
- Membrane Diffusion
- What effect does dilution of an acid or base have on the pH of the solution?
- On the molecular level, what is the difference between acids and bases?
- Super Basic Gas Law
- Discovering Newton's Second Law
- Boyle's Law Lab
- Determination of angle of projection for maximum range
- Introduction to the Photoelectric Effect Simulation
- Concentration PhET WebLab
- Understanding Rates of Reactions
- Lunar Lander!
- Bending Light Lab!
- Build a Molecule Lab!
- Build an Atom Lab!
- Color Vision Lab!
- Magnets, Electromagnets and Ohm's Law Lab!
- Density Lab
- Energy Forms and Changes Lab!
- Energy Skatepark!
- Phase Changes Lab!
- Plate Tectonics Lab!
- Signal Circuit and DC Circuit Construction Kit Lab!
- Static Electricity Lab!
- Faradays AC-DC and Electromagnetism
- Acid-Base WebLab PhET HTML5
- Gay-Lussac's Law Lab
- Radioactive Dating Game
- CCK - Series & Parallel - Current Flow
- Moving Man - Distance vs. Time Graphs
- Resistance in a Wire
- Sound Waves
- Moving Man - Velocity vs. Time Graphs
- Total Internal Reflection
- Faradays Electromagnetic Lab: Generating Electricity
- Projectile Motion: The Basic Flight Path
- Intrinsic Randomness
- Discovering divisibility rules
- Kinetic Molecular Theory
- Newton's Laws and the Lunar Lander
- The Photoelectric Effect
- Bending Light Worksheet
- Flexible Quadratics
- Greenhouse
- Work Energy on a Ramp
- Magnet Lab
- Geometric Optics
- Electron Flow Rate through Simple Circuits
- Exploring Static Electricity
- Projectile Motion Exploration
- Charges and Fields Exploration
- Producing Electromagnetic Radiation using a Neon
- The x and y's of Gas Properties
- Standing Waves
- Intro to Circuits
- Lecture Demonstrations and Reviews the SIMS, My Solar System
- Cell Transport and Neuron Simulation
- Lunar Lander Activity
- 2D Motion Activity
- PhET Inquiry - Bending Light
- Equipotential Surfaces Lab Activity
- Spring Simulation - Identifying Variables & Asking Questions
- Projectile Motion Investigation
- Graphing Energy at the Skate Park
- Energy Analysis of a Mass Oscillating on a Spring
- Hooke's Law (Springs)
- Wave on a String Comparison
- The Relationship between the Volume of a Gas and its Pressure - Boyle's Law
- Model of the Hydrogen Atom - Exploration
- Circuit Construction Kit: DC & AC Exploration
- Waves on a String
- Waves on a String Discovery Activity
- Lenses and their Images
- Diffraction
- Resistance and Ohm's Law Investigation
- Ohm's Law
- Visualizing Current, Voltage and Resistance
- Gravity: Friend or Foe?
- Motion in Two Dimensions
- Gas Properties
- John Travoltage
- Energy Skate Park
- Friction
- Wavey Simulation
- Wave Interference in 2D
- Understanding Projectile Motion
- Circuit Principles and Applications
- Photoelectric effect
- Phet Beta Decay Simulation Lab
- Series and Parallel Circuits
- Faraday's Electromagnetic Lab
- Lady Bug: Angular Kinematics
- Introduction to Light & Color
- Wave pre-lecture introduction for regular level
- Heat Intro
- Wave on a String Simulation
- Investigating waves
- Projectile Motion and Air Resistance
- Forces in 1 and 2 Dimensions
- Spectra of Light
- Buoyancy and Balloons
- The Two-Slit Experiment
- Exploring Nuclear Energy
- Comparing Forces on Different Planets
- Moving the Man
- Models of the hydrogen atom
- Experimenting with forces (CER)
- Equation Grapher: Transformations of graphs
- Electric Charge Basics
- Projectile Motion Phet Simulation Activity
- Projectile Motion Lab Exploration
- Lens Equation Experiment using Excel
- Gene Expression Inquiry activity
- Photoelectric Effect Virtual Experiment
- Lunar Lander/ Fun Game
- Phet Alpha Decay Simulation Lab
- Applications of Sinusoidal Functions
- Understanding Voltage, Potential Difference and Potential /Voltage Drop
- R-C Circuits
- The Greenhouse Effect
- Charge and Energy Conservation in Circuits Inquiry
- Greenhouse Effect
- Momentum Lab
- Electric Field Lab
- Virtual Capacitor Lab
- 1 Dimensional Motion - Kinematics and Graphing
- Conservation of Energy
- Work - Energy
- Momentum and Center of Mass
- Rotational Motion
- Torque, Moment of Inertia, Angular Momentum
- Oscillations
- Atom Builder
- Balancing Chemical Equations
- Universal Gravitation
- Circuit Creator
- Charles' Law Lab and Gay-Lussac's Law Lab
- Intro to Parallel & Series Circuits
- Standing Waves Exploration
- Gas Law
- Electrical Potentials Lab
- Series Circuits Electrical Relationships
- Moving Man (Motion Intro)
- Mass Spring Activity
- Električna struja osmi razred
- Application of The First Law of Thermodynamics
- Science Teacher
- Constant Acceleration Motion
- Series Circuits
- Radioactive Dating Game
- Electric Field Hockey Lab
- Electric Fields & Point Charges
- Gravity and Planetary Orbits Lab
- Radio active Dating Game for Earth science
- PhET Faraday Simulation
- Series and Parallel Circuits
- Lady Bug Revolution Activity
- Introduction to rotational motion
- PhET Energy Sk8r sim Activity
- Outlining Bonding vs. Shape Polarity
- Study Guide for lac Operon Simulation
- Wave Refraction and Reflection
- Hookes Law
- Under Pressure
- Molecule/Electron Shapes
- Natural selection simulation lab
- Balloons and Electrostatics Student Guide
- Molarity of Solutions
- Vector Dot Product
- Answer Key - Torque, Moment of Inertia, and Angular Momentum
- Torque, Moment of Inertia, and Angular Momentum
- Buoyancy Lab
- Hooke's Law Lab
- AP Physics Orbit Lab
- Types of Energy Transferred Worksheet
- Collisions
- Convex and Concave Lens Lab
- Neuron Lab
- Capacitors and Dielectrics
- Chemical Compounds and Subscripts
- Visualizing Resistance
- Constant Velocity & Uniform Acceleration with the Moving Man
- Measuring Current in a Series Circuit
- Fluids Lab
- States of Matter - Solid,Liquid,Gas
- Magnetism
- Capacitor Building Guided Inquiry
- Photoelectric Effect
- Radioactivity
- Solar System Momentum
- What Affects Resistance
- Investigation of Acids & pH
- Rutherford Scattering--Building the Atomic Model Activity
- Introduction to Ionic & Covalent Bonding
- Build an Atom, Isotope, & Ion
- Static Fluid Pressure and Fluid Flow
- Projectile Investigation
- Light and Waves E-Learning Activity
- Driven Oscillation
- Pressure, Volume, Temperature=Combined Gas Law
- Exploring Gas Laws
- Forces and Newton's Laws Review
- Density Inquiry
- Student Guide for PhET - Forces Motion in html5
- Moving Man Multiple Representations
- Student Guide for PhET - The Moving Man (JAVA) student guide
- Modeling Paradigm Lab- 2nd Law
- Isotopes PhET Activity
- Atom Builder
- Student Guide for PhET - Molarity in html5
- Phet Energy Forms and Changes Student Worksheet
- masse volumique
- Investigating Glaciers
- VSEPR and Polarity
- Gas Laws Exploration
- Balancing Chemical Reactions Game
- Applied Forces and Friction and a Review of Newton's 1st and 2nd Law
- The Doppler Effect
- Student Guide for PhET - States of Matter in html5
- Student Guide for PhET - Gravity and Orbits
- Ion Formation
- PhET Sugar and Salt Inquiry Questions
- PhET Simulation- Lac Operon
- Series and Parallel Circuits
- Wave Interference
- Inquiry Lab
- Phet Simulation: Energy Form--Intro(Heat)
- Introductions to Solutions
- Investigating the relationship between field and potential around point charges
- Operon Modeling 2.0
- Power in a Circuit
- Solar System pHet Simulations
- Natural Selection In Action
- States Of Matter
- Projectile Motion
- Electromagnetic waves and radio frequencies
- Electric Field Hockey
- Standing Waves Lab
- Energy Skate Park Formal Lab
- Density Investigation
- Mass/Spring Activity
- Photoelectric Effect
- Discovering Snell's law
- Discovering Newton's Universal Law of Gravitation
- Balance Lab - Mystery Box
- States of matter simulations
- States of Matte Inquiry
- Isotopes Guided Inquiry
- Inquiry Projectile Activity
- Circuit Construction Kit (DC Circuits) PhET Lab
- Projectile Guided Inquiry
- Discovering the Photoelectric Effect
- Circuit Lab 1 - Properties of Electric Circuits
- Discovering the conservation of momentum
- Force of Friction Graphing Ff=(mu)Fn
- Investigating a radioactive decay
- Molarity Exploration
- Συγκέντρωση διαλύματος
- PhET Greenhouse Effect Simulations
- 3 Projectile Motion Factors
- Introduction to Electric Fields Student Worksheet
- Electricity Simulations Analysis
- Intro to creating a simple series DC circuit
- Series & Parallel Circuits PhET Lab
- Virtual Lab - Circuit Basics
- Resistivity Worksheet
- Comparing Speed and Angle to projectile distance
- Density Simulation Lab
- Sandwich Stiochiometry
- Exploring pH of Common Substances
- Concentration
- Molecule Design Challenge Pre-Activity
- Virtual Lab
- Virtual Momentum Activity
- Coulomb's Self Discovery Activity
- Mr. T's Density Phet Lab
- temperature and energy
- Exploring Electric Charges
- Activity: Wave on a String
- Change Your Motion
- Games in Net Force
- Natural Selection Simulation Activity
- Galileo's Skater Down an Inclined Plan
- Energy Flow Chart Lab
- PhET Inquiry - Bending Light
- Investigating Electric Fields
- Exploring Equations
- Activity: My Solar System for APP1
- Coulomb's Law for Chemistry
- Border Problem - Intro to Algebraic Expressions
- Chemistry - Introduction to Coulomb's Law
- Student Guide for PhET - Gas Properties in html5
- Diffusion Inquiry activity
- Introduction to the Structure of the Atom
- MYP Physics: Gravitational force vs. Distance
- MYP Physics: Electric Force vs. Distance
- Simple trends in resistor structure
- PHET energy forms and changes simulation worksheet to accompany simulation
- Gas Properties Simulation
- Kinetic, Potential and Total Energy: Claim, Evidence, Reasoning
- Lab: PhET Sugar and Salt Solutions
- energy systems phet worksheet
- Introduction to Molarity and Dilutions
- Introduction to oscillations and SHM
- 2D PHET Collision Lab in Excel
- Abbreviated Gas Laws Worksheet
- Stable Isotopes
- Grade 4 Changing Energy
- Ohm's Law
- Beer's Law: An AP Chemistry Activity
- Coulomb's Law Data Collection and Analysis (remote online learning)
- Phet Pendulum Lab to Find Gravity
- Simple Harmonic Motion Virtual Modeling Lab PhET
- Introduction to Circuits Inquiry
- Guided lab with instructions, screenshots and questions
- Density Exploration (w/ Extension Questions)
- pH Relationships
- Weak vs. Strong
- Fission: controlled vs. uncontrolled
- Electric & Magnetic Fileds
- Simple Pendulum
- Factors Affecting The Frequency of A simple Harmonic Oscillator
- Speed of a Mechanical Wave
- Refraction of Light
- Models of the Atom
- Newton's 1st & 2nd Laws
- Series Circuit Simulation
- Parallel Circuit Electrical Relationships
- Introduction to the Structure of the Atom
- การทดลองOnline 1 เรื่อง ลูกตุ้มนาฬิกาอย่างง่าย
- Gas Simulation Remote Instruction
- Charging By Rubbing
- Series, parallel circuits
- Visualizing a Mixture
- NGSS Eating and Exercise Activity HS-LS1-2
- Coulombinc Force Simulation
- Atomic Interactions PhET Exploration - with Coulomb's Law application
- Neon Lights & Other Discharge Lamps: Lab Simulation
- Student Guide for PhET - Gas Properties html5 - Word to Google doc friendly
- Adding Vectors Visually and Mathematically - Intro
- Interacciones atómicas Exploración PhET
- PhET Projectiles Simulation Lab
- Horizontal Projectile Motion Lab
- Projectile Motion
- PhET Forces Lab
- Lab: PhET Isotopes and Atomic Mass
- Lab: PhET Build an Atom
- PhET Simulation- Build a Molecule
- Simple series and parallel circuit comparison.
- Friction on Incline
- Waves on a String Lab
- SNC 2D0 - Building Molecules Activity 2020
- Projectile Motion Virtual Lab Activity
- Work and Energy Simulation Lab
- Energy Conservation Simulation Lab
- Resistivity in a wire
- Resistive Circuits
- Feel the Rhythm!
- Chemical Formulas PhET Simulation
- Proving Newton's Second Law
- Gas Behavior
- Diffusion Exploration
- Charges & Fields PhET Lab
- Force and Motion: Basics
- actividad de pH y el agua
- Pendulum Inquiry and Lab Report
- Potential Energy of A Spring (Elastic Potential Energy)
- Quantitative Representation of Natural Selection
- IMF and phase changes
- Natural Selection Simulation
- Discovering Ohm's Law Inquiry Lab
- Conservation of Linear Momentum
- To study the dependance of time period on (i) length of the pendulum and (ii) acceleration due to gravity
- Gas Law Inquiry Lesson
- Horizontal Launch Investigation
- Natural Selection Simulation
- Electron excitation and emission spectra
- Introduction to Vectors, Components and Addition
- Gravity and Orbits Experimental Design Research Project
- ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Chemical Reactions of Alkanes and Alkenes
- Introduction to Refraction
- Identifying and Differentiating States of Matter
- States of Matter: Basics lesson plan
- Simple Circuits
- Bunny Lab Population Change and Growth
- Simple Pendulum Investigation Lesson Plan
- Predator Prey Relationship- Survival
- Heat = Energy Transfer
- Ohm's Law with Series and Parallel Resistors
- e=mc2
- Equilibrium and Le Chatelier's Principle
- Color Vision Phet
- Virtual Lab Activity on Gas Properties
- Virtual Lab Activity on Energy Forms and Changes in Systems
- Friction Investigation
- PhET Density Lab
- Relating Gas Properties Foldable
- Nuclear Decay Processes Lab
- Static Electricity Virtual Lab
- PhET Displacement and Density Lab
- Investigation of Refraction of light
- Energy Skate Park - investigation
- Diffusion Conceptual Lab
- Lab: Gas Laws Simulation
- PhET Collision Lab - Inelastic 1D
- PhET Collision Lab - Elastic 1D
- Exothermic vs. Endothermic Reactions
- Images in Mirrors and Lenses
- Kirchhoff's LAw
- comparing Parallel and series connection
- Milk Trucks
- Elements and Compounds Lesson
- Group data generating activity to find Lac Operon effectiveness
- Energy Skate Park Analysis Lab
- An Introduction to pH
- pH and the Dissociation Constant
- Greenhouse Gas Exploration
- Types of Quadrilateral
- Isotopes and Atomic Mass Phet Simulation Guided Inquiry
- Hanging Mass
- Newton's Second Law Investigation
- Isotopes activity sheet
- Color Vision (or Seeing Colors)
- Electrostatics Simulations: Introductory
- Greenhouse Effect Basics
- Moving Man: Anayzing Graphs
- Projectiles Air Resistance - It's a Drag
- Ripple While You Work
- The Photoelectric Effect and Work Functions
- Discover a Spring "Stretching Law" (Hooke
- Νόμος του Ohm
- Plate Tectonics Lab
- Fluid Pressure and Flow Phet Simulation worksheet
- Space Cadets Lunar Landing Showdown
- Gas Properties Phet Simulation worksheet (AP Physics 2)
- Photoelectric Effect Phet Worksheet (AP Physics 2)
- Projectile Motion Formal Lab Development and Report
- Guided Discovery: BMI, BMR, Calories in/out
- Calculus Graphing
- Projectile Parabolas
- The Photoelectric Effect and Work Functions
- The Greenhouse Effect Lab
- Gas Relationships and Buoyancy
- Radioactive Dating Game
- Greenhouse Effect
- Circuit Construction Kit
- Electrostatics Plotting
- Projectile Motion
- Moving Man Questions
- Εργαστήριο Πυκνότητας
- Forces Virtual Lab Ramp
- Fluid Experiments
- Virtual Circuit Lab
- Projectile Motion
- Vector Tug-of-War
- Projectile Motion--Horizontal and Full Trajectory
- Projectile Motion Simulator
- Movement of Charges - Static Electricity
- Electricity in the Home
- Electric Field Lab
- Coulomb's Law Lab
- Electric Field Hocket
- Understanding Circuits
- PHETman
- 2-d collisions
- Phet Simulation - Modeling Molecules
- Energy in a Skateboarder-Conservation of Energy
- Newton's Second Law
- Discovering Series Circuits
- Phet Forces and Motion Basics: Friction lab
- Intro Lab
- Exploring Light as a Wave Using Interference
- Finding Planck's Constant
- Energy Skate Park Basics: Énergie potentielle et cinetique
- Thermal Energy Flow PhET Lab
- Investigating pH
- Beer's Law Lab: Introduction to Beer's Law
- Introduction to the gas laws
- Projectile Motion Worksheet
- Harmonic oscillator
- MS and HS TEK to Sim Alignment
- Buoyancy and Density
- Half-life and Events in Beta Decay
- Black Body Radiation: Seeking Patterns in Data Sets
- Dalton's Law of Partial Pressures
- Determination of Gravitational Acceleration
- Graham's Law of Effusion
- Gene Expression-the Basics
- Hooke's Law and Simple Harmonic Motion
- Electric Fields Simulation
- LeChateilier's Principle - Concentration
- How does the mass and velocity of a satellite affect the orbit?
- The Covalent Bond Between Two Atoms
- Modeling Isotopes
- Modeling Relative Atomic Mass
- Introduction to the Covalent Bond
- Building and Naming Molecules
- The Peninsula of Nuclear Stability
- Understanding Natural Selection
- Electric Switches (Signal)
- Batteries
- Behavior of Semiconducting Materials
- Gene expression and regulation
- Coulombs Law Activity
- Bond Polarity vs Molecule Polarity
- Phet Simulation - Gases Intro Worksheet
- Video: Faraday's Electromagnetic Lab Simulation (PhET) Explained
- Video: Self-paced learning - Moving Man Simulation (Motion Graphs)
- Video: Self-paced learning on Newton's Second Law
- Video: Self-paced learning on Newton's First Law
- Video: Self-paced Investigation on Simple Harmonic Motion of a spring-mass system
- Video: Self-paced Investigation on Hooke's Law Virtual Lab
- Video: Self-paced Investigation on Fluid Pressure
- Video: Self-paced learning on Boyle's Law
- Video: Self-paced learning on Electrical Equipotential Lines
- Video: Self-paced learning on Energy Transformation
- Video: Self-paced learning on Energy Skate Park (GPE, KE and Work done)
- Phet Waves and Light
- Video: Self-paced learning on Capacitor
- Natural Selection
- Circuit Simulator II
- Circuit Simulator I
- Waves on a String Exploration Activity Guide
- Build a Molecule Basics
- Calculating the net charge of an atom/ion
- Atomic Models and Spectroscopy
- Electric Field Hockey Post-Game Analysis
- Waves Virtual Lab Part 2
- Waves Virtual Lab Part 1
- Introduction to Momentum and Elastic Collisions Lab
- Wave Interference Lab: Path Difference impact on Constructive and Destructive Interference
- Computer Simulations as a Tool to Assist Teaching Basics of Electromagnetism (Simulações Computacionais Como Ferramenta Auxiliar ao Ensino de Conceitos Básicos de Eletromagnetismo)