102 搜尋結果符合 voltage
- Capacitor Lab:Basics_電容實驗室:基礎 (HTML5)
- Capacitor Lab 電容器實驗室
- Circuit Construction Kit: AC_電路組裝套件:交流電 (HTML5)
- Circuit Construction Kit: AC - Virtual Lab_電路組裝套件:交流電 - 虛擬實驗室 (HTML5)
- Circuit Construction Kit: DC_電路組裝套件:直流電 (HTML5)
- Circuit Construction Kit: DC - Virtual Lab_電路組裝套件:直流電 - 虛擬實驗室 (HTML5)
- John Travoltage_約翰屈伏塔 (HTML5)
- John Travoltage
- Photoelectric Effect 光電效應
- Faraday's Law_法拉第定律 (HTML5)
- 電池-電阻 電路
- 電池電壓
- Charges And Fields_電荷與電場 (HTML5)
- Ohm's Law_歐姆定律 (HTML5)
- Faraday's Electromagnetic Lab (HTML5)
- Magnets and Electromagnets (HTML5)
- Discovering patterns of current and voltage in series and parallel circuits
- Basic Electricity: short inquiry activities includes ideas for several sims
- Ohm's Law Remote Lab
- Exploring Voltage in Series Circuits
- Potential Difference in Circuits
- Understanding Voltage, Potential Difference and Potential /Voltage Drop
- Batteries
- Parallel Circuit Electrical Relationships
- Circuit connection (differences between the current readings and the voltage readings of circuit connected in series and parallel).
- Explore voltage, current and resistance in DC circuit
- Visualizing Current, Voltage and Resistance
- Introduction to Current, Voltage, and Resistance
- Exploring Electric Potential, Electric Field and Distance Relationships
- De wetten van Kirchhoff
- Ohm's Law
- Electrostatics Plotting
- Series and Parallel Circuits
- Circuit Inquiry Lab
- Ohm's Law
- Visualizing Resistance
- Up and Down
- Capacitor Lab: Inquiry into Capacitor Design
- Series Circuits Electrical Relationships
- Parallel Circuit Electrical Relationships
- Series Circuit Simulation
- Combination Circuits and Kirchoff's Laws
- Ohm's Law - HTML5 sim
- Discovering Ohm's Law Inquiry Lab
- Photoelectric Effect Virtual Experiment
- Capacitor_Lab_Basics _html_Remote_lab
- Introduction to Circuits Remote Lab
- Basics of Electricity
- What Affects Resistance
- LAB การต่อแบตเตอรีและการประยุกต์ใช้งาน
- Circuit Virtual Lab (Ohm's Law)
- Puissance electrique
- การทดลองที่ 11 วงจรไฟฟ้ากระแสตรง
- Ohm's Law
- Električna struja osmi razred
- Electrical Potentials Lab
- Photoelectric effect
- Series and Parallel Circuits Basics
- Interactive Photoelectric Effect Lab
- Conductors and Insulators
- Ohm's Law with Series and Parallel Resistors
- I, V and R in circuits
- Electromagnetic Induction
- Circuit Creator
- Simple Series and Parallel Circuits Lab
- Student Guide for PhET - Ohm's Law in html5
- Exploring Ohms Law with DC Circuits
- Ohm's Law Relationships
- Discovering Series Circuits
- sperimenta e rispondi
- Intro to Ohm's Law
- An investigation into Building Electric Circuits (Inquiry Based)
- Mjerenje struje i napona
- Capacitor Design Remote Lab
- Circuits lab manual with experimental& theoretical value comparison
- Series & Parallel Circuits PhET Lab
- Virtual Lab - Circuit Basics
- Understanding Circuits
- Virtual Circuit Lab
- Magnets, Electromagnets and Ohm's Law Lab!
- Charge and Energy Conservation in Circuits Inquiry
- Series and Parallel Circuits
- Video: Self-paced learning on Capacitor
- Graphical Relationships in Electric Fields
- Capacitors
- Current in DC Circuits
- The capacitance of a parallel-plate capacitor, effects of dielectric in a capacitor
- Circuit Construction Kit
- Initial Magnetism Investigation (Inquiry Based)
- Virtual lab: Circuit Analysis - Series and Parallel Circuits
- Ohm's Law, Kirchhoff's Laws, Resistors in Parallel and Series Lab
- Ohm's Law and Resistance Virtual Lab
- Photoelectric Effect
- PREPARATORIA: Alineación de PhET con programas de la DGB México (2017)
- Photoelectric Effect
- How do PhET simulations fit in my middle school program?
- Simple series and parallel circuit comparison.
- Intro to Circuits
- Mapping of PhET and IBDP Physics
- Capacitor Lab: Basics: Inquiry into Capacitor Design
- MS and HS TEK to Sim Alignment