關於 PhET
PhET provides fun, free, interactive, research-based science and mathematics simulations. We extensively test and evaluate each simulation to ensure educational effectiveness. These tests include student interviews and observation of simulation use in classrooms. The simulations are written in HTML5 (with some legacy simulations in Java or Flash), and can be run online or downloaded to your computer. All simulations are open source (see our source code). Multiple sponsors support the PhET project, enabling these resources to be free to all students and teachers. PhET 是什麼?對 PhET 模擬教學的簡單介紹
關於 PhET 的影片獲獎紀錄PhET 獲得過以下獎項:
更多關於 PhET 的設計詳情為了讓學生們喜歡科學與數學,PhET 遵循以下的設計原則:
當使用者操作這些工具時,他們會立即得到回饋,產生應有的效果。這種即時回饋可以讓他們產生興趣,找出互動的因果,透過探索找出科學問題的答案。您可以參考我們的研究頁面的說明。 |