267 搜尋結果符合 properties of water
- Acid-Base Solutions_酸鹼溶液 (HTML5)
- Concentration_濃度 (HTML5)
- Density_密度 (HTML5)
- Equality Explorer_探索等式 (HTML5)
- Fourier: Making Waves_傅立葉:產生波形 (HTML5)
- Fourier: Making Waves 傅力葉:與波共舞
- Fractions: Mixed Numbers_分數的介紹:帶分數 (HTML5)
- Gases Intro_氣體概念介紹 (HTML5)
- Gravity Force Lab_萬有引力實驗室 (HTML5)
- Make a Ten_湊到 10 (HTML5)
- Mean: Share and Balance_平均:分享與平衡 (HTML5)
- Microwaves 微波
- Normal Modes 正規振態
- pH Scale: Basics_酸鹼性:基礎 (HTML5)
- pH Scale_酸鹼性 (HTML5)
- Quadrilateral_四邊形 (HTML5)
- Salts & Solubility 鹽類和溶解度
- States of Matter: Basics_物質三態:基礎 (HTML5)
- Sugar and Salt Solutions 糖與鹽水溶液
- Under Pressure_壓力之下 (HTML5)
- Wave Interference_波的干涉 (HTML5)
- Waves Intro_波的介紹 (HTML5)
- Fractions: Intro_分數的介紹 (HTML5)
- Beer's Law Lab_比爾定律 (HTML5)
- Bending Light_光的折射 (HTML5)
- 板塊構造論
- Gas Properties_氣體特性 (HTML5)
- Energy Forms and Changes_能量形式與轉化 (HTML5)
- 液體的流動與壓力
- Molarity_莫耳濃度 (HTML5)
- 量子束縛態
- 量子穿隧效應與波包
- 簡化的磁共振造影MRI
- Wave on a String_繩波 (HTML5)
- Projectile Data Lab (HTML5)
- Water Polarity and Purification
- Gas Properties Modular Homework Activity
- Chemistry Theater
- Waves Intro Remote Lab
- Gas Properties Gas Laws Quantitative
- Gas Properties-Inquiry Middle School
- Gases Understanding physical properties of gases (Inquiry Based)
- Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution Curves
- Waves Intro, Water, Virtual Ripple Tank, Pre/In/Post-Class Worksheet
- States of Matter Lecture Demonstration
- Graphing Activity using Gas Properties Simulation
- Properties of Gases
- Kinetic Molecular Theory- Introduction (inquiry-based)
- Water Waves in an Electric Sink
- Wave demonstrations: water, sound, light (Inquiry Based)
- Density: How Does Density Relate to Mass &Volume and an Object's Interaction with Water?
- What Factors Influence the Rate of a Reaction?
- Gas Properties
- Virtual Lab Activity on Gas Properties
- pH Scale inquiry-based intro to acid-base
- Wave Interference (PreAP)
- Properties of a wave
- Wave Interference with Water Waves (AP)
- Gas Properties Acitvity
- Investigating Properties of Transverse Waves
- Waves Interference Remote Labs
- Finding Properties of Energy (via the skate park)
- Density-MS
- Gas Properties and Balloons & Buoyancy Simulations Homework
- Wave unit (Inquiry Based)
- Molecules and Light
- Properties of Waves
- Gas Properties Phet Simulation worksheet (AP Physics 2)
- Relating Gas Properties Foldable
- Density-introduction
- Waves Intro | Remote Lab
- Properties of Waves and Wave Speed
- Gas Properties Simulation
- Circuit 1 Properties of Electric Circuits (Inquiry Based)
- Gas Properties
- Gas Investigation for Middle School
- Gas Laws Exploration
- Gas Laws
- Strong and Weak Acids
- Invention Lab_Wave Interference
- Properties of Air
- PhET Sugar and Salt Inquiry Questions
- Student Guide for PhET - Gas Properties in html5
- Student Guide for PhET - Gas Properties html5 - Word to Google doc friendly
- Gas Properties
- The x and y's of Gas Properties
- Kinetic Molecular theory review
- Circuit 1 Properties of electric Circuits using only CCK(Inquiry Based)
- Float or Sink? An essay on the density of materials
- Exploring Changes in States of Matter
- Gas Properties/Buoyancy
- Gas Simulation Remote Instruction
- Wave Refraction and Reflection
- Properties of a Wave Lab
- Collecting and analyzing density data
- Introduction to the gas laws
- Comparing the properties of different materials
- Guided Manual-Worksheet of ideal gas
- Video: Self-paced learning on Boyle's Law
- Tricky Dimensions – a Spin-off of a Sim
- Qazın Xassələri
- Qaz qanunları
- Qazların Xassələri
- Effusion
- Partner...Demo...Diagram with Jamboard
- Gas Law Inquiry Lesson
- Ispitivanje gasnih zakona pomocu PhET simulacije
- Guided Manual-Worksheet of ideal gas
- Exploring Gas Laws
- The gas laws
- Verificação das leis dos gases ideais
- Esercitazione sui gas: pressione e leggi
- Transformação Isobárica (Lei de Gay-Lussac)
- Transformação Isotérmica (Lei de Boyle)
- Explorando gases
- Sound and Wave Basics
- Properties of representations of linear functions
- Identifying and Differentiating States of Matter
- Density Investigation
- Expanding and Factoring Algebraic Expressions
- Flow stretching and DNA extension
- Electrolyte and Non-electrolyte Solutions - Interactive Lecture Demonstration
- Introduction to Ionic & Covalent Bonding
- Properties of waves
- Gas Properties
- Wave Refraction
- Microwaves Simulation Activity
- Microwaves Simulation Homework
- Werkblad Inleiding Golven
- Light Behaves Like a Wave (sometimes...)
- Wave Interference & Fringe Patterns
- Combination Gas Law- Student Inquiry Activity
- GRANDEURS THERMODYNAMIQUES : Du macroscopique au microscopique
- Gaslove
- Gas Behavior
- https://youtu.be/B4_UEJzch3o
- Abbreviated Gas Laws Worksheet
- Bouncing Off the Walls
- Introduction to the Gas Laws using PhET simulations
- Generating Equivalent Expressions
- Density Simulation Lab
- Gas Laws, Quantitative, Charles' law
- Gas Laws, Quantitative, Boyle–Mariotte law
- Gas Laws, Quantitative, Gay-Lussac's law
- Cuadernillo PhET La materia y sus interacciones 2023
- In/Post-Class Worksheet, Wave Interference, Sound/Water, PhET
- Fluid Pressure - an inquiry introduction
- Concentration PhET – Understanding Molarity and Parameters affecting Molarity
- Wave Interference in 2D
- Light and Sound Wave Properties
- Properties of Waves - Lab Guide
- Finding Wave Properties
- Deriving Gas Properties
- Exploring Converging Lenses
- Investigating Density, Volume, Mass and Weight
- Adding and Subtracting Expressions
- Exploring Pressure Underground with PhET Simulation Lab
- Density
- pH Scale
- Sugar and Salt Solutions: Exploring Common Substances Using a PhET Simulation
- Wave Properties and Interactions Lab Manual
- Ideal Gas Law Activity
- The Relationship between the Volume of a Gas and its Pressure - Boyle's Law
- Application of The First Law of Thermodynamics
- Eksperimen Boyle dan Gay-Lussac
- Transformações gasosas
- Gay-Lussac's Law Lab
- Charles's Law Lab
- Boyle's Law Lab
- Super Basic Gas Law
- 기체의 설질 SIM 사용지침서
- Kinetic Theory of Gases Lecture Demo
- Dalton's Law of Partial Pressures
- Gas Laws Exploration
- Graham's Law of Effusion
- Heat Intro
- Charles' Law Lab and Gay-Lussac's Law Lab
- Boyle's Law
- Pressure vs Temperature for Ideal Gases
- estudo dos Gases
- Pressure, Volume, Temperature=Combined Gas Law
- Simulador, Propriedades do Gás
- Estado Gaseoso
- Propiedades de los gases usando simulaciones
- Exploration of KMT and Gas Laws
- Gaasi omaduste meedialabori juhend
- Moteur en PhET
- Experiment to determine relationship between wavelength, frequency and speed
- Spring or Sprung?
- Intermolecular Forces and Molecules - Interactive Lecture Demonstration
- Salts and Solubility 4: Using Q and LeChateliers Principle
- Algebra-based Physics Semester one lessons, clicker questions, and schedule in pdf (Inquiry Based)
- Sound_Inquiry for Middle School
- Algebraic Expressions
- Circuit Lab 1 - Properties of Electric Circuits
- Pre/In/Post-Class Worksheet, Wave Interference, PhET
- States of Matter
- Remote Learning Molecule Shapes
- Exploring the density of mysterious objects
- Using PhET in High School Chemistry- all my activities in pdf
- Concept Questions for Chemistry using PhET
- Kinetic Molecular Theory
- Gas Law
- Waves on a String (Inquiry Based)
- Les propietats dels gasos amb el simulador PhET
- Diffraction
- Phase Changes using States of Matter Sim
- Concept questions for Physics using PhET (Inquiry Based)
- Visualization and Visual Illusions SIM Homework
- PhET Energy Forms and Changes Virtual Lab
- Electric Field Simulation Activity
- Intermolecular Forces and States of Matter - Interactive Lecture Demonstration
- 3 Activities for Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion
- Series & Parallel Circuits PhET Lab
- Chaos Physics
- Heat or temperature?
- (BNCC) Comparando as propriedades de diferentes materiais
- Heat or temperature
- Wave Intro Simulation Worksheet
- Geometric Optics
- Wave on a String
- Instructor
- Plate Tectonic Simulation
- La densitat amb el simulador PhET
- Investigating the pH level of the 11 different basic substances
- Le Chatelier's Principle Demos
- Waves
- Solenoids
- Virtual Vector Lab - Components & Trig Operations
- Virtual Ripple Tank
- Phase Changes using States of Matter Sim
- Gas Relationships and Buoyancy
- Balloons and Static Electricity
- Energy Forms Simulation Activity
- Exploring Equations
- Electric Field Lab
- Bending-Light Worksheet
- Introductions to Solutions
- Writing an Equation for the Wave
- Wave on a String, No End, Pre/In/Post-Class Worksheet
- Online Vector Lab
- Teaching Atoms using PhET Sim Worksheet
- Pressure in Liquids and Gases
- PhET Sims Aligned to the Chemistry Curriculum
- Build an atom Periodic Table Virtual Lab
- Bond Polarity vs Molecule Polarity
- Gas laws simulation lab
- SNC 2D0 - Building Molecules Activity 2020
- Alineación simulaciones PhET con el Currículo Ecuatoriano - Química - Bachillerato
- Wave Interference Lab: Path Difference impact on Constructive and Destructive Interference
- Alignment of PhET sims with NGSS
- Lab: PhET Sugar and Salt Solutions
- ChemActivity: Phase Changes and Intermolecular Forces
- Reflection and Interference of Waves
- It’s All in the Shape: Discovering Molecular Geometry
- PREPARATORIA: Alineación de PhET con programas de la DGB México (2017)
- Intro to Waves I: Basics of waves in liquids
- How do PhET simulations fit in my middle school program?
- Wave pre-lecture introduction for regular level
- Spring Oscillators Activity
- circuits in parallel and in series
- Waves on a String Discovery Activity
- Exploring Chemical Reactions and the Law of Conservation of Mass
- Mapping of PhET and IBDP Physics
- MS and HS TEK to Sim Alignment