47 kết quả tìm kiếm phù hợp với reflection
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Các công trình
- Reflection and Transmission Interactive Lecture
- Reflection in a plane surface
- Wave Refraction and Reflection
- BendingLight_Remote_Lab
- Total Internal Reflection
- reflection refraction and total internal reflection
- Study of law of reflection and refraction
- Activity sheet_reflection_refraction
- Investigating critical angle and Total Internal Reflection
- Reflection and Interference of Waves
- Exploring Gravity
- Exploring How Light Behaves at Boundaries
- PhET Inquiry - Bending Light
- PhET Inquiry - Bending Light
- Bending Light Simulation Observations
- Critical Angle & Total Internal Reflection
- Parabolas on the Move!
- Refraction Lab
- Guided lab with instructions, screenshots and questions
- Wave on a String Simulation
- Phet Simulering For waves - in Norwegian
- Refraction of Light
- Bending Light
- Lab. Waves
- Snell's Law and the Index of Refraction
- In/Post-Class Activity, Bending Light, Prisms, PhET
- In/Post-Class Activity, Bending Light, PhET
- Ripple While You Work
- LAB การสะท้อนและการหักเหแสง
- Bending Light Student Worksheet
- Reflectioin and spherical mirror
- It is not a change... it is a crisis
- Bending Light Lab!
- Wave on a String
- Waves on a String AP1
- Wave Properties and Interactions Lab Manual
- Virtual Ripple Tank
- 2nd Law Simulation Lab
- Discovering Snell's law
- Guided Discovery for Waves on a String