HTML5 sims can run on iPads and Chromebooks, as well as PC, Mac, and Linux systems on modern web browsers. If you are experiencing issues using an HTML5 sim on a supported platform, please disable any browser extensions.

Inclusive features are added to HTML5 sims only, and some features have platform limitations. See Accessible Sims for more details on system requirements and tested platforms.

iOS 15+ Safari
iPad compatible sims

Not officially supported. If you are using the HTML5 sims on Android, we recommend using the latest version of Google Chrome.

Latest version of Google Chrome
The HTML5 and Flash PhET sims are supported on all Chromebooks.
Chromebook compatible sims

Windows Systems:
Microsoft Edge, latest version of Firefox, latest version of Google Chrome.

Macintosh Systems:
macOS 10.15+, Safari 15+, latest version of Chrome.

Linux Systems:
Not officially supported. Please contact [email protected] with troubleshooting issues.

PhET Java simulations will run on most PC, Mac, and Linux systems.

Adobe has announced the end-of-life of Flash and beginning January 1, 2021, you will no longer be able to run PhET’s Flash sims on modern web browsers.

PhET relies on donations from users like you to fund our conversions to HTML5. If you haven't already, please consider donating to our project so that we are able to continue converting your favorite sims.

Java System Requirements

Windows Systems:
Windows 10, 8.1, 7
RAM: 256 MB
Browsers: Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer 11, Firefox, Chrome
Latest version of Java

Macintosh Systems:
macOS 10.9.5+
Administrator privileges for installation.
A 64-bit browser (Safari, Firefox, or Chrome for example) is required to run Oracle Java on Mac OS.
Latest version of Java

Linux Systems:
Oracle Linux 5.5+1
Oracle Linux 6.x (32-bit), 6.x (64-bit)2
Oracle Linux 7.x (64-bit)2
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.5+1, 6.x (32-bit), 6.x (64-bit)2
Ubuntu Linux 12.04 LTS, 13.x
Suse Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP2+, 11.x
Browsers: Firefox, Chrome
Latest version of Java

PhET has partnered with Leaning Technologies to allow our legacy Java simulations to run in a web browser via a technology called CheerpJ.

Some simulations have specific features that are not supported in the CheerpJ version. Please see sim-specific documentation.

CheerpJ System Requirements

Internet access
Windows: Chrome, Edge
Mac: Chrome, Safari
Chromebook: Chrome
iPad: Safari (see sim-specific compatibility)
Mobile phones: not recommended

<р>Па-першае, абнавіць да апошняй версіі java <а href= "">тут. Запусціць апошнюю версію сімулятара непасрэдна з націснуўшы на кнопку "play" на старонцы сімулятара. Калі вы карыстаецеся Mac, калі ласка, гл ў раздзеле <а href="">тут падрабязныя інструкцыі.

<р>PhET сімулятары напісаны на трох розных мовах праграміравання: java, флэш, і HTML5. Кожная з іх апрацоўваецца на камп'ютары па-рознаму, а некаторыя з іх могуць быць несумяшчальнымі з камп'ютарам, а іншыя не ўстаноўлены. Гл. <а href= "">Windows,<а href= "">Мас і, і інш дадатковыя адказы.

<р>WebGL не падтрымліваецца ўсімі браўзэрамі. Каб даведацца больш аб сумяшчальнасці гл. у раздзеле <а href="">webgl і мадэліраванне сумяшчальнасці.

Не! Вы можаце спампаваць увесь сайт з дапамогай <а href="">offline installer. Больш падрабязную інфармацыю аб аўтаномным выкарыстанні глядзіце на <а href="">offline.

You'll need to first download and install Java.

Once you have that successfully installed Java, click 'Play' to download a .jar file. If you receive any messages about the file download, click the 'Keep' button. Navigate to the download location and open the .jar file. If you encounter any problems opening the .jar see this entry.

HTML5 Prototypes are published prior to final sim publication to allow students and teachers to access the HTML5 version of a simulation as soon as possible. Prototype sims are not feature complete and are subject to changes. These versions also haven’t been fully tested, so you may find bugs or other issues. OneNote does not support embedding these prototypes.

Prototypes are published using the same URL address as the final published sim so that linked used in activities and provided to students don't need to be edited when the final version of the sim is published.

Submitting a detailed system report by opening a working HTML5 sim, copy/paste the 'report a problem', and send the information in an email to [email protected]:

  1. Click the PhET Menu (3 horizontal lines)
  2. Click "Report a Problem..."
  3. Copy/paste the output in an email to [email protected] (be sure not to edit the 'Troubleshooting information' section)

If you cannot open an HTML5 sim, please copy/paste the following text in an email to [email protected]: User-agent: "{{USER_AGENT}}"