Investigating critical angle and Total Internal Reflection

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Tựa đề Investigating critical angle and Total Internal Reflection
Mô tả Two tasks - Task A is an investigation that determines the refractive index via measurement of the critical angle and the formula 1/n = sin(C). In this task critical angle is found by increasing i until the angle of refraction reaches 90 degrees. Task B is an investigation that determines the critical angle by finding the point where the intensity of the reflected ray is first 100% of the intensity of the incident ray.
Chủ đề Vật lý
Cấp độ High School, Undergrad - Intro
Loại Guided Activity, Homework, Lab
Thời gian 30 phút
Bao gồm câu trả lời No
Ngôn ngữ Anh
Từ khoá Total Internal Reflection, critical angle, index of refraction, reflection, refraction, refractive index
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Tác giả Jim Champion
Trường / Tổ chức Radley College
Ngày đăng ký 10/02/2019
Ngày cập nhật 10/02/2019