PRIMARIA: Alineación con programas de la SEP México (2011 y 2017)

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Tittel PRIMARIA: Alineación con programas de la SEP México (2011 y 2017)
Omtale Lista de simulaciones por grado escolar, bloque y objetivo de aprendizaje. Además se incluyen ejemplo de preguntas a realizar. Para 1 y 2 se tiene le programa 2017, y de tercero a sexto el programa del 2011.
Emne Astronomi, Fysikk, Kjemi, Matematikk
Nivå Barneskule, Ungdomsskule
Type Alignment
Tid 30 minutt
Inneheld svar Nei
Språk Spanish
Nøkkelord primaria
Simuleringar Arealbyggar (HTML5), Area Model Decimals (HTML5), Area Model Introduction (HTML5), Area Model Multiplication (HTML5), Talforståing og talrekning (HTML5), Balancing Act (HTML5), Balancing Act, Nullstill ballonger (HTML5), Build a Fraction (HTML5), Build a Fraction, Circuit Construction Kit: DC (HTML5), Color Vision (HTML5), Concentration (HTML5), Curve Fitting (HTML5), Density, Eating & Exercise, Energiformer og overgangar (HTML5), Energi i skateparken (HTML5), Equality Explorer (HTML5), Equality Explorer: Basics (HTML5), Faraday's Law (HTML5), Forces and Motion: Basics (HTML5), Fraction Matcher (HTML5), Fraction Matcher, Fractions: Equality (HTML5), Brøk (HTML5), Fractions Intro, Fractions: Mixed Numbers (HTML5), Friction (HTML5), Function Builder (HTML5), Function Builder: Basics (HTML5), Geometric Optics (HTML5), Geometric Optics, Graphing Lines (HTML5), Grafisk framstilling av rette linjer, Gravity and Orbits (HTML5), Gravity Force Lab: Basics (HTML5), The Greenhouse Effect, John Travoltage (HTML5), Magnets and Electromagnets, Make a Ten (HTML5), Masses and Springs: Basics (HTML5), The Moving Man, Number Line: Integers (HTML5), Pendelforsøk (HTML5), pH-skala – grunnleggjande (HTML5), Plinko Probability (HTML5), Projectile Motion (HTML5), Proportion Playground (HTML5), Reactants, Products and Leftovers (HTML5), Aggregattilstandar (HTML5), Unit Rates (HTML5), Bølgje på ein tråd (HTML5), Bølger - innleing (HTML5)

Forfattarar Diana López
Skule / Organisasjon Simulaciones Interactivas PhET
Lasta opp 03.12.19
Oppdatert 06.04.22