Exploring Area and Perimeter

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Pavadinimas Exploring Area and Perimeter
Aprašymas Students will walk through a guided activity using the Area Builder simulation. The activity is made up of three phases: exploration, explanation, and challenge. There is also an exit ticket (assessment) to prove student learning. The essential questions include: How is the area of a figure determined? How is the perimeter of a figure determined? Is it possible for two shapes to have the same areas but different perimeters? How?Is it possible for two shapes to have the same perimeters but different areas? How?
Tema Matematika
Lygis K-5
Tipas Guided Activity
Trukmė 30 minutės
Įtraukti Atsakymai Ne
Kalba Anglų
Raktažodžiai area, challenge, explanation, exploration, perimeter
Simuliacija(-os) Area Builder (HTML5)

Autorius (-ai) Jill Minello
Mokykla / Organizacija Hunter College
Pateikimo data 20.3.8
Data atnaujinta 20.3.8