periodic 검색결과 36 개의 결과가 검색됨
- 동위원소와 원자량 (HTML5)
- 방사 충전
- 삼각함수 여행 (HTML5)
- 설탕과 소금 용액
- 원자 만들기 (HTML5)
- 진자 실험 (HTML5)
- 질량과 스프링: 기초 (HTML5)
- 질량과 용수철 (HTML5)
- 케플러의 법칙 (HTML5)
- 푸우리에: 파형만들기 (HTML5)
- 푸리에: 파동 생성
- Pendulum Lab 1: Intro to pendulum (Inquiry Based)
- Conservation of Energy using Masses and Springs (Inquiry Based)
- Conservation of Energy using Masses and Springs (homework version) (Inquiry Based)
- Build an atom Periodic Table Virtual Lab
- Atomic models homework (Inquiry based)
- Ladybug Revolution activity: Exploring rotational motion (Inquiry Based)
- Build an Atom
- Structure of the Atom
- Applications of Sinusoidal Functions
- Activity sheet_Resonance
- Exploring Static Electricity
- Pendulum Lab
- Spring Mass Experiment
- Build an Atom: Introduction
- Simple Inquiry-based Build an Atom Simulation Student worksheet
- Atoms
- Investigate the Energy of a Pendulum
- Pendulum Lab
- Types of Waves and its Parts
- Simple Harmonic Motion (Pendulum & Spring)
- Isotopes activity sheet
- Recognizing Patterns in Covalent Bonding
- Modeling Isotopes
- Discharge Lamps & Flame Tests
- Molecule Design Challenge Pre-Activity