PhET Sims Aligned to the Chemistry Curriculum

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Title PhET Sims Aligned to the Chemistry Curriculum
Description This document aligns an introductory or general chemistry curriculum with 47 PhET sims that can help teach various topics throughout the course. The topics and sub-topics are given for each sim, an sims are noted as "primary" (directly addressing the topic) or "supplemental" (supporting additional information for the topic). You can use this alignment as a reference guide when teaching with a few new sims each semester, or you can use them all at once!
Subject Chemistry
Level High School, Undergrad - Intro
Type Alignment
Answers Included No
Language English
Keywords chemistry, curriculum
Simulation(s) Larutan Asam-Basa (HTML5), Larutan Asam-Basa, Peluruhan Alfa, Atomic Interactions (HTML5), Interaksi Atomik, Balancing Chemical Equations (HTML5), Balancing Chemical Equations, Balon dan Gaya Apung, Balon dan listrik statis (HTML5), Balon dan listrik statis, Hukum Beer (HTML5), Hukum Beer, Pembelokan Cahaya (HTML5), Pembelokan / Pembiasan Cahaya, Peluruhan Beta, Blackbody Spectrum (HTML5), Spektrum Benda hitam, Membuat molekul, Buat Atom (HTML5), Buat Atom, Charges and Fields (HTML5), Muatan dan Medan Listrik, Collision Lab (HTML5), Percobaan Tumbukan, Tampilan Warna Cahaya (HTML5), Tampilan Cahaya, Concentration (HTML5), Konsentrasi, Konduktivitas, Mengepas Kurva, Menghitung Massa Jenis, Lampu Gas Discharge (Neon, Merkuri dsb.), Bentuk dan Perubahan Energi (HTML5), Bentuk dan Perubahan Energi, Energi Skate , Gas Properties (HTML5), Sifati Gas, The Greenhouse Effect, Model Atom Hidrogen, Isotop dan Massa Atom, Membrane Channels, Gelombang Mikro , Molaritas (HTML5), Molaritas, Polaritas Molekul, Molecule Shapes (HTML5), Bentuk Molekul, Molekul dan Cahaya (HTML5), Molekul dan Cahaya, Fisi Nuklir, Skala pH (HTML5), Skala pH, Efek Fotolistrik, Interferensi Gelombang Kuantum, Penentuan Umur Radiaktif, Reactants, Products and Leftovers (HTML5), Reactants, Products and Leftovers, Reaksi dan Tingkatannya, Reaksi Reversible, Hamburan Rutherford, Semi Konduktor, Garam & Kelarutan, States of Matter (HTML5), Wujud Zat, Larutan Gula dan Garam, Penjumlahan Vektor, Wave Interference (HTML5), Interferensi Gelombang

Author(s) Julia Chamberlain
School / Organization PhET
Date submitted 14/07/15
Date updated 21/09/15