PhET Sims Aligned to the Chemistry Curriculum

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Title PhET Sims Aligned to the Chemistry Curriculum
Description This document aligns an introductory or general chemistry curriculum with 47 PhET sims that can help teach various topics throughout the course. The topics and sub-topics are given for each sim, an sims are noted as "primary" (directly addressing the topic) or "supplemental" (supporting additional information for the topic). You can use this alignment as a reference guide when teaching with a few new sims each semester, or you can use them all at once!
Subject Chemistry
Level High School, Undergrad - Intro
Type Alignment
Answers Included No
Language İngiliscə
Keywords chemistry, curriculum
Simulation(s) Turşu-Əsas Məhlulları (HTML5), Acid-Base Solutions, Alpha Decay, Atomlararası qarşılıqlı təsirlər (HTML5), Atomic Interactions, Kimyəvi tənliklərin balanslaşdırılması (HTML5), Balancing Chemical Equations, Balloons & Buoyancy, Hava balonu və statik elektrik yükləri (HTML5), Balloons and Static Electricity, Buger-Lambert-Ber qanunu laboratoriyası (HTML5), Beer's Law Lab, İşığın sınması (HTML5), Bending Light, Beta Decay, Qara cisim şüalanması (HTML5), Blackbody Spectrum, Build a Molecule, Atom Qur (HTML5), Build an Atom, Yüklər və elektrik sahəsi (HTML5), Charges and Fields, Toqquşma Laboratoriyası (HTML5), Collision Lab, Rəng Ayırd Etmə (HTML5), Color Vision, Konsentrasiya (HTML5), Concentration, Conductivity, Curve Fitting, Density, Neon Lights & Other Discharge Lamps, Enerji Formaları və Dəyişmələri (HTML5), Energy Forms and Changes, Enerji Konki Parkı, Qazların xassələri (HTML5), Gas Properties, The Greenhouse Effect, Models of the Hydrogen Atom, Isotopes and Atomic Mass, Membrane Channels, Microwaves, Molyarlıq (HTML5), Molarity, Molecule Polarity, Molekul Formaları (HTML5), Molecule Shapes, Molekullar və İşıq (HTML5), Molecules and Light, Nuclear Fission, pH Cədvəli (HTML5), pH Scale, Fotoelektrik effekt, Quantum Wave Interference, Radioactive Dating Game, Reagentlər (reaktivlər), Məhsullar və Qalıqlar (HTML5), Reactants, Products and Leftovers, Reactions & Rates, Reversible Reactions, Rutherford Scattering, Semiconductors, Salts & Solubility, Maddənin aqreqat halları (HTML5), States of Matter, Sugar and Salt Solutions, Vector Addition, Dalğaların interferensiyası (HTML5), Wave Interference

Author(s) Julia Chamberlain
School / Organization PhET
Date submitted 7/15/14
Date updated 9/15/21