Virtual Lab - Circuit Basics

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Наслов Virtual Lab - Circuit Basics
Опис Students start with basic circuit concepts: building a simple circuit, recording the current and testing the equation V=IR. Then they start building series and parallel circuits, and develop the rules for current and potential difference for each type. On an inquiry scale of 1-4, I'd put this at a 1 or 2: the instructions are fairly detailed and specific, because there are particular concepts that I wanted the students to come across as they work.
Субјект Физика
Ниво High School (Виша школа), Middle School (Средња школа)
Тип Guided Activity, Лаб
Трајање 60 минута
Укључен одговор Не
Језик Енглески
Кључне речи Circuits, Current, DC, Electricity, Parallel, Resistance, Series, Voltage
Симулације Струјно коло - једносмерна струја (DC) (HTML5)

Аутори: Jeremy smith
Школа / Организација Hereford High School
Послато 1.3.18.
Обновљено 1.3.18.