atoms 검색결과 76 개의 결과가 검색됨
- 네온등과 방전 램프
- 데이비슨-거머 전자회절
- 동위원소와 원자량 (HTML5)
- 러더포드 산란 (HTML5)
- 레이저
- 물질의 상태 (HTML5)
- 물질의 상태: 기초편 (HTML5)
- 반응과 반응속도
- 반응물, 생성물과 잔여물 (HTML5)
- 밴드 구조
- 분자 구조 (HTML5)
- 분자의 구조: 기초 (HTML5)
- 분자 극성 (HTML5)
- 분자 극성
- 분자 만들기 (HTML5)
- 설탕과 소금 용액
- 수소원자의 모형
- 슈테른-게를라흐 실험
- 양자파동간섭
- 원자간 상호작용 (HTML5)
- 원자 만들기 (HTML5)
- 화학반응식 완결하기 (HTML5)
- Molecules Are Made Up of Atoms
- Atoms
- Online Quiz for Build An Atom
- Teaching Atoms using PhET Sim Worksheet
- Rutherford Scattering
- Build a Molecule - Molecular Formulas and Coefficients
- Balancing Chemical Equations - Inquiry based Introduction
- Unguided atoms intro
- Playing with atoms
- States of Matter Compare Matrix
- Light and Atoms
- Limiting Reactants
- Structure of the Atom
- Build an Atom
- Molecule Shapes - Guided-Inquiry Activity
- Build an Atom
- Making STABLE Atoms Lab
- Build an Molecule - Inquiry-based basics
- Building Ions PhET Lab Exploration
- Build an Atom: Introduction
- Construim un àtom
- Balancing Equation
- The Covalent Bond Between Two Atoms
- Build an Atom - Guided-Inquiry Activity
- Discharge Lamps and Electron Transitions
- Intermolecular Forces and States of Matter - Interactive Lecture Demonstration
- Atom Builder Review
- Introduction to the Structure of the Atom
- Build an Atom Student Worksheet
- Building Atomic Models
- Introduction to the Structure of the Atom
- Molecule Polarity- Inquiry and Applications
- Simple Inquiry-based Build an Atom Simulation Student worksheet
- Neon Lights & Other Discharge Lamps: Lab Simulation
- Atom Builder
- Student Guide for PhET - Build an Atom in html5
- Visual Nucleosynthesis [Basic High School]
- Build an Atom WebLab
- Rutherford Scattering--Building the Atomic Model Activity
- Atom Builder
- Isotopes
- Balloons and Static Electricity
- Build a Molecule Basics
- Stable Isotopes
- Roll an Atom
- Lewis Electron Dot Structure of Elements PhET Lab Exploration
- Balancing Chemical Equations
- Building and Naming Molecules
- Lab: PhET Build an Atom
- Build an Atom, Isotope, & Ion
- Quantum Wave Interference, PhET, Worksheet, High Intensity, Problems
- Bouncing Off the Walls
- Discharge Lamps & Flame Tests
- Molecule Design Challenge Pre-Activity