我们项目原先专注于物理仿真程序,所以命名为*Ph*ysics(物理) *E*ducation(教育) *T*echnology(技术),即“PhET”。后来,我们又有了化学、生物、数学等分支。虽然我们仍决定使用*PhET*,但我们不会告诉大家真相了。

We offer apps for both iOS and Android/Chromebook. Please see specific information by platform:

Android phone/tablet
iOS iPad/iPhone

All versions of our apps allow native, offline use of all of our HTML5 sims and proceeds fund more HTML5 sim development.

该网站https://phet.colorado.edu上的所有仿真程序在Creative Commons Attribution证书(CC-BY)范围内都是开源的教育资源。


PhET Interactive Simulations
University of Colorado Boulder






Yes! You can insert our HTML5 sims into a PowerPoint presentation using our Office Mix app

This add-in works in: PowerPoint 2013 Service Pack 1 or later, PowerPoint 2016 for Mac, PowerPoint 2016 or later, PowerPoint Online.

For information on getting Office Add-ins for Powerpoint, see this link.

PhET cares deeply about student privacy and we orient our website and resource practices to streamline student access without collection of student data.

PhET Privacy Policy

Simulation Licensing Agreement and Terms of Use

HTML5 Sim Software Agreement

Java/Flash Software Agreement

PhET HTML5和Javascript的源代码在PhET GitHub page可以找到。 PhET Java、Flash、Flex源代码在Subversion资源库中。您可以在源代码查找更多信息。


We are here to support your remote learning needs. See our remote teaching tips and early access to sims in progress.

PhET Interactive Simulations is a nonprofit project based at the University of Colorado Boulder (CU). Our team of designers, researchers, educators, and developers is dedicated to producing high quality STEM resources. We rely upon our users to keep PhET free for everyone. Donations to PhET can be made electronically through Give Campus.

Alternatively, a check may be made out to "University of Colorado Foundation" with “Donate to PhET Interactive Simulations Project Fund D-0028990” included in the memo section. Please mail to:

   University of CO Foundation
P.O. Box 17126
Denver CO 80217-9155

To make a donation via a Donor Advised Fund (DAF), use CU's EIN: 84-6000555. CU Tax 501(c)(3) Exempt Status Letter. Ensure “Donate to PhET Interactive Simulations Project Fund D-0028990” is included in the memo section so that your donation is properly routed to PhET.