Acid-Base Macro Particulate Symbolic A gold star indicates high-quality, inquiry-based activities that follow the PhET design guidelines.

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Наслов Acid-Base Macro Particulate Symbolic
Опис This activity could be done as an in class / recitation activity, or as homework. The first page has exploratory and predictive questions, and the second page is a table for students to compare macroscopic observations, particulate representations, symbolic representations, and quantitative measurements -- all using the sim.
Субјект Хемија
Ниво High School (Виша школа), Основне студије - Увод
Тип Домаћи зад., остало
Трајање 60 минута
Укључен одговор Не
Језик Енглески
Кључне речи acid, base, chemistry, concentration, pH, strength

Аутори: Ted Clark
Школа / Организација The Ohio State University, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Послато 28.3.13.
Обновљено 28.3.13.