Resonance: Upper-division college Uma estrela de ouro indica alta qualidade, atividades baseadas em indagações que seguem as diretrizes de projeto PhET.

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Título Resonance: Upper-division college
Descrição These are just the clicker questions that will go with the homework; they seem worth sharing. Learning Goals: Students will be able to: •Identify/explain the variables that affect the natural frequency of a mass-spring system. •Explain the distinction between transient and steady-state behavior in a driven system. •Identify which variables affect the duration of the transient behavior. •Recognize the phase relationship between the driving frequency and the natural frequency, especially how the phase is different above and below resonance. •Give examples the application of real-world systems to which the understanding of resonance should be applied and explain why.
Respostas Incluídas Não
Idioma Inglês
Palavras-Chave inquiry; phet; resonance
Simulação(ões) Ressonância

Autor(es) Mike Dubson, Trish Loeblein
Escola / Organização PhET
Data de publicação 08/08/11
Data de atualização 08/08/11