gases volume temperature pressure number of molecules ilə uyğun gələn 455 axtarış nəticələri
- Atom Qur (HTML5)
- Batareya-rezistor dövrəsi
- Buger-Lambert-Ber qanunu laboratoriyası (HTML5)
- Dalğalara giriş (HTML5)
- Dalğaların interferensiyası (HTML5)
- Diffuziya (HTML5)
- Enerji Formaları və Dəyişmələri (HTML5)
- İstixana Effekti (HTML5)
- İzotoplar və Atom Kütləsi (HTML5)
- Kimyəvi tənliklərin balanslaşdırılması (HTML5)
- Konsentrasiya (HTML5)
- Kəsrlər: Bərabərlik (HTML5)
- Kəsrlər: Giriş (HTML5)
- Kəsrlər: Qarışıq ədədlər (HTML5)
- Maddənin aqreqat halları (HTML5)
- Maddənin aqreqat halları: Əsasları (HTML5)
- Molekul Formaları (HTML5)
- Molekul Formaları: Əsasları (HTML5)
- Molekullar və İşıq (HTML5)
- Molekul Polyarlığı (HTML5)
- Molekul yarat (HTML5)
- Molyarlıq (HTML5)
- Nüvə yarat (HTML5)
- pH Cədvəli (HTML5)
- pH Cədvəli: Əsasları (HTML5)
- Plinko Ehtimalı (HTML5)
- Qara cisim şüalanması (HTML5)
- Qazlara Giriş (HTML5)
- Qazların xassələri (HTML5)
- Reagentlər (reaktivlər), Məhsullar və Qalıqlar (HTML5)
- Sahə Modeli ilə vurma hesablama (onluq ədədlər) (HTML5)
- Sürtünmə (HTML5)
- Sıxlıq (HTML5)
- Toqquşma Laboratoriyası (HTML5)
- Turşu-Əsas Məhlulları (HTML5)
- Təzyiq altında (HTML5)
- Vahid standartları (HTML5)
- Ədəd Müqayisəsi (HTML5)
- Ədəd oxu: Məsafə (HTML5)
- Ədəd oxu: Tam ədədlər (HTML5)
- Ədəd oxu: Əməliyyatlar (HTML5)
- Ədəd oyunu (HTML5)
- Əyri xətt uyğunluqları (HTML5)
- Molecule Polarity
- Balloons & Buoyancy
- Buoyancy
- Double Wells and Covalent Bonds
- Eating & Exercise
- Estimation
- Faraday's Electromagnetic Lab (HTML5)
- Fluid Pressure and Flow
- Glaciers
- The Greenhouse Effect
- Membrane Channels
- Microwaves
- Simplified MRI
- Normal Modes
- Optical Quantum Control
- Plate Tectonics
- Reactions & Rates
- Reversible Reactions
- Salts & Solubility
- Sound
- Sugar and Salt Solutions
- Gases Understanding physical properties of gases (Inquiry Based)
- Gas Behavior
- Using the Gases Intro PhET Simulation: Concept Development for Understanding Gas Laws and the Variable Changes Associated with Them
- Properties of Air
- Gas Properties Gas Laws Quantitative
- Phet Simulation - Gases Intro Worksheet
- Exploring the Behavior of Gases
- Gas Laws Exploration
- Greenhouse gases - sense making by observing photons
- Pressure vs Temperature for Ideal Gases
- Molecules and Light
- Pressure, Volume, Temperature=Combined Gas Law
- Investigating Climate Change at the Macroscopic and Microscopic Level
- Kinetic Theory of Gases Lecture Demo
- Gas Properties Modular Homework Activity
- Les propietats dels gasos amb el simulador PhET
- Ideal Gas Law Activity
- Comparing numbers using a vertical number line
- Fluid Pressure - an inquiry introduction
- Gas Properties Simulation
- My mystery number
- Introduction to Gas Variables
- Molecules and Light-inquiry for high school
- Gas Laws Exploration
- The Relationship between the Volume of a Gas and its Pressure - Boyle's Law
- Pressure in Liquids and Gases
- Gas Properties
- Balloons & Buoyancy in Air
- Molecules and Light - Guided Inquiry Activity
- Relating Gas Properties Foldable
- Deriving Gas Properties
- EXplosión de gas
- Cuadernillo PhET La materia y sus interacciones 2023
- States of Matter Lecture Demonstration
- Molecule Shapes- inquiry
- Dalton's Law of Partial Pressures
- Virtual Lab Activity on Gas Properties
- The x and y's of Gas Properties
- Graphing Activity using Gas Properties Simulation
- Count and Compare
- States of Matter Basics Simulation
- Introdução a Leis dos gases
- Intermolecular Forces and Molecules - Interactive Lecture Demonstration
- Student Guide for PhET - Gas Properties html5 - Word to Google doc friendly
- Gas laws simulation lab
- Greenhouse Gas Lab
- Balancing Chemical Equations - Inquiry based Introduction
- Density: How Does Density Relate to Mass &Volume and an Object's Interaction with Water?
- Investigating Density, Volume, Mass and Weight
- Factors Affecting Average Global Temperature
- PhET - Explore Absolute Value on the Number Line Distance Activity
- States of Matter
- Ten and how many more?
- Drag and count
- Number Talks
- Gas Properties
- Moving Molecules
- Pressão Hidrostática no "Under Pressure (HTML5)"
- Addition strategies within 10 (or 20)
- Family of Mr. 10
- Pressão Hidrostática (Conceitos) no "Under Pressure (HTML5)"
- Quick PhET Gas Inquiry
- Lei Geral dos Gases no "States of Matter: Basics (HTML5)"
- Apples in Baskets - Decomposition of 2 addends
- Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution Curves
- numbers game
- PhET Greenhouse Effect Simulations
- Gas Law Inquiry Lesson
- Build an Molecule - Inquiry-based basics
- Phase Changes Lab!
- Charles' Law Lab and Gay-Lussac's Law Lab
- Molecule Polarity
- Exploring integers
- Build a Molecule - Molecular Formulas and Coefficients
- Organize it!
- Exploring Arrays
- Apples in 3 Baskets
- True or False? Kindergarten
- Subtraction stories
- True or False? 1st grade
- Concentration - Interactive Lecture Demonstration
- Guided Manual-Worksheet of ideal gas
- Atividade Experimental_pressão de um gás
- Kinetic Molecular Theory Intro
- Build an Atom - Guided-Inquiry Activity
- Friction
- Choral counting
- Choral Counting
- Exploring Pressure
- Building and Naming Molecules
- Phase Changes using States of Matter Sim
- Interpreting Chemical Symbols
- Hot Air Balloons Lesson
- Graham's Law of Effusion
- Presión hidrostática por indagación
- Under Pressure
- Describing Location and Movement
- Static Pressure
- States of Matter: Basics lesson plan
- Static Fluid Pressure and Fluid Flow
- Phases of Matter
- temperature and energy
- Guided Manual-Worksheet of ideal gas
- Heat Intro
- Temperature and Energy NGSS aligned
- Druck und Schweredruck - Under Pressure
- Phase Changes using States of Matter Sim
- Build an Molecule - concept questions
- Molecules Are Made Up of Atoms
- States of Matter Basics Student Guide
- PhET Number Lines Integers Stories Activity
- Using Ratios and Rates to Solve Problems
- Termodinâmica (Atividades) nos OA's do PhET
- Saturated Solutions - Interactive Lecture Demonstration
- Compendio de Actividades e ILDs basadas en simulaciones PhET
- Juego de numeros
- Mis Primeros Numeros
- Students' Learning Activity (Fluid Pressure & Flow)
- estudo dos Gases
- Práctica ley de los gases
- Balloons and Buoyancy : How do gases in different containers behave in gases fluids?
- Isotopes and Atomic Mass - Guided Inquiry Activity
- Mixed Number Intro
- Temperature and changes
- NGSS Alignment Doc for Middle School targeted PhET Sims
- Under Pressure _ Lab Activity Packet
- Molecule Polarity- Inquiry and Applications
- Sugar and Salt Solutions: intro to bonding
- Fluid Pressure and Flow Phet Simulation worksheet
- How are greenhouse gases different from non-greenhouse gases?
- Exploring Pressure Underground with PhET Simulation Lab
- States of Matter Guided Activity - PhET Simulation
- Heat or temperature?
- Heat or temperature
- The Atom; Discovery of the Atom
- Video: Self-paced Investigation on Fluid Pressure
- Video: Self-paced learning on Boyle's Law
- Gas Laws, Quantitative, Boyle–Mariotte law
- States of Matter Compare Matrix
- Buoyancy: How Does Buoyant Force Act on Objects in a Fluid?
- Build an Atom: Introduction
- Kinetic Molecular Theory- Introduction (inquiry-based)
- Bouncing Off the Walls
- Explorando enteros
- Building Ions PhET Lab Exploration
- Recta numérica: Distancia absoluta y directa.
- Inflando y Desinflando
- Alignment of PhET sims with NGSS
- Balancing Chemical Equations
- Density Lesson (with Putty Lab)
- Alguna vez ¿se te ha escapado un gas?
- Difusão dos gases
- Explorando gases
- Temperature and Radiation Activity
- Gas Investigation for Middle School
- Gases y sus magnitudes físicas
- Guía de trabajo Descubre las leyes de los gases.
- Integer Addition and Subtraction Assessment
- It is not a change... it is a crisis
- Density and Buoyancy
- Density-introduction
- No es un cambio... es una crisis
- não é uma mudança... é uma crise
- Não é uma mudança... é uma crise
- Build an Atom - Inquiry-based basics (homework version)
- O comportamento das partículas gasosas
- Limiting Reactants
- The Greenhouse Effect PhET Simulation Lab
- Add and Subtract WN & I
- Investigating Molecule Shapes
- States of Matter Basics - Clicker Questions
- Propiedades de los gases usando simulaciones
- Boyle's Law
- Temperature and Luminosity of Stars: Wein's Law and the Stephan Boltzmann Law
- Making Molecules
- How Does the Earth's Climate Change?
- Verificação das leis dos gases ideais
- Laboratório de efeitos estufa
- Gas Properties-Inquiry Middle School
- Radioactive Decay
- Investigating dilution (quantitative)
- 분자와 빛 SIM 사용지침서
- Fluids Lab
- Building Atomic Models
- Air Resistance Lesson
- States Lab
- Isotopes & Atomic Mass-Inquiry Activity
- Valence Electrons and Building a Molecule
- Properties of Gases
- SNC 2D0 - Building Molecules Activity 2020
- Phet Simulation - Modeling Molecules
- Greenhouse Gases and Their Effect on Earth's Climate
- Modeling Isotopes
- Using the Reactions and Rates PhET Simulation: Concept Development Activity for Kinetics and Rates of Reactions
- Transformações gasosas
- Building Fraction Sense Using “Fractions Intro PhET Simulation”
- Molecule Shapes - Guided-Inquiry Activity
- Diffusion Conceptual Lab
- Molecular Geometry Activity
- Greenhouse Simulation Lesson
- Using PhET in High School Chemistry- all my activities in pdf
- Greenhouse Gas Exploration
- Qazlara Giriş
- Gas Properties
- Lab: Gas Laws Simulation
- Abbreviated Gas Laws Worksheet
- Gasen legeak simulazio jarduerak
- Density-introduction
- Laboratorio virtual: exploremos los gases de efecto invernadero en diferentes escenarios
- Counting 1-10
- Ədəd Oyunu
- Cinco Numeritos para Jugar
- Grocery Comparisons
- Radioactive Decay
- PhET Density Lab
- Molecule Polarity - Guided Inquiry Activity
- Density Investigation
- Elements and Compounds Lesson
- Sob Pressão
- Tihedus
- Virtueel practicum hydrostatica
- Modelando equação matemática sobre pressão
- Bajo Presión
- Presión hidrostática y atmósferica. Práctica de laboratorio virtual PHET
- Atom Builder
- Writing an Equation for the Wave
- Perchè i corpi galleggiano
- Build an Atom
- Preguntas de razonamiento para todas las simulaciones HTML5
- Guided Activity - Greenhouse Effect
- Reactions and Rates College version for tab 3- kinetics (Inquiry Based)
- What Factors Influence the Rate of a Reaction?
- Exploring (proportional) Density
- Operaciones en Z a través de la recta numérica
- Combination Gas Law- Student Inquiry Activity
- GRANDEURS THERMODYNAMIQUES : Du macroscopique au microscopique
- Gaslove
- Ədəd oxu-Məsafə
- Ədəd oxu-Tam ədədlər
- Ədəd oxu-Əməliyyatlar
- Vamos a aprender a aplicar las operaciones en la recta numerica juntos
- Zahlengerade Erkundungsaufgabe (Übersetzung von Cari Fox Aktivität)
- Thermal Expansion
- Lesson Plan for Teaching Shapes of Molecule
- Pressão de Fluido e Fluxo
- Fluid Experiments
- Roteiro Para Utilização do Aplicativo de Principio de Bernoulli
- Fontaneria bàsica - pressió i cabal dels fluids
- Virtueel practicum
- Flujo de Fluidos
- Prinsip Bernaulli
- Ecuación de Continuidad y Principio de Bernoulli
- Dinámica de Fluidos.
- pengamatan
- How can sound waves cause a window to shake?
- Exploring Equilibrium 2 (Le Chatelier's Principle)
- Experiencia Educativa Principio Arquimedes, Fuerza Boyante y Densidad (Learning experience: Archimedes principle, Buoyant force & Density).
- Student Guide for PhET - Molecule Shapes in html5
- Outlining Bonding vs. Shape Polarity
- States of Matter
- pHet Building Molecules Virtual Lab - HS Chem1 level
- It’s All in the Shape: II. Discovering the Behavior of Polar Molecules
- Efecto invernadero
- Density Lab
- Densità
- Densidade
- La densitat amb el simulador PhET
- PREPARATORIA: Alineación de PhET con programas de la DGB México (2017)
- Partner...Demo...Diagram with Jamboard
- Transformação Isobárica (Lei de Gay-Lussac)
- Transformação Isotérmica (Lei de Boyle)
- Opdracht over Dichtheid
- pH Scale Basics Remote Lab1
- Density Exploration
- Concentration PhET – Understanding Molarity and Parameters affecting Molarity
- Applying Le Chatelier's Principle
- Blackbody spectra: Wien's Law and the Stephan-Boltzmann law
- How do PhET simulations fit in my middle school program?
- Lab: PhET Build an Atom
- PhET Atom Simulator
- Exploring Solving Systems of Linear Equations
- Entropy, Microstates, and Probability - Interactive Lecture Demonstration Guide
- Curve Fitting: How well does the curve describe the data? (Inquiry Based)
- Reactions and Rates 3: Introduction to Equilibrium (Inquiry Based)
- Introducción a los estados de la materia
- Gas Properties/Buoyancy
- Density Simulation Lab
- Densità_attività lab._ITALIANO
- Measuring Density
- Plano de Aula Density
- Densidade e Empuxo no "Buoyancy"
- pH Scale
- SECUNDARIA: Alineación PhET con programas de la SEP México (2011 y 2017)
- Intermolecular Forces and States of Matter - Interactive Lecture Demonstration
- VSEPR and Polarity
- Guía de trabajo ambiental desde el simulador efecto de invernadero
- Build an Atom Lab!
- Modeling Relative Atomic Mass
- Build a Molecule Basics
- Concept questions for Physics using PhET (Inquiry Based)
- Mapping of PhET and IBDP Physics
- Density
- Mr. T's Density Phet Lab
- Density
- Difusão
- pH Scale inquiry-based intro to acid-base
- Virtual Density
- Exploring Equilibrium
- pH Scale Basics | Remote Lab
- Lab de Efecto Invernadero
- Build a Molecule
- Build an Atom Game Remote Lab
- Introduction to Inequalities
- Microwaves
- Thermal Energy Flow PhET Lab
- Algebra-based Physics Semester one lessons, clicker questions, and schedule in pdf (Inquiry Based)
- MS and HS TEK to Sim Alignment
- Lab: PhET Isotopes and Atomic Mass
- Friction
- PhET Displacement and Density Lab
- Middle School and High School Common Core Alignment Document
- PhET Energy Forms and Changes Virtual Lab
- PhET Simulation- Build a Molecule
- Density
- Climate Change - The Gas Phase
- Exploring Gas Laws
- Online lab - Wien's law
- Density Exploration
- Exploring pH of Common Substances
- Non è un cambiamento... e una crisi
- Ion Formation
- It’s All in the Shape: Discovering Molecular Geometry
- Parallel Circuit Electrical Relationships
- Build an Atom WebLab
- Calculating the net charge of an atom/ion
- The Greenhouse Effect Lab
- Density-MS
- Density of Solids and Liquids
- Esercitazione sui gas: pressione e leggi
- Black Body Radiation: Seeking Patterns in Data Sets
- Visualizing a Mixture
- Chemical Formulas PhET Simulation
- Concentration pHet Activity
- Bunny Lab Population Change and Growth
- Estado Gaseoso
- Super Basic Gas Law
- The Covalent Bond Between Two Atoms
- PhET Sims Aligned to the Chemistry Curriculum
- Chemistry Theater
- Molarity of Solutions
- concentrazione e saturazione
- Determination of Molarity
- Investigating Glaciers
- The Speed of Particles in the Different States of Matter
- Guided Discovery for Waves on a String
- Charging By Rubbing
- Initial Magnetism Investigation (Inquiry Based)
- Binomial Distribution
- Guided Exploration on Lac Operon Function
- Flutuabilidade de objetos e densidade
- Blackbody Spectrum Simulation Homework
- Equilibrium and Le Chatelier's Principle
- Alineación simulaciones PhET con el Currículo Ecuatoriano - Química - Bachillerato
- ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Chemical Reactions of Alkanes and Alkenes
- How are products and factors related?
- PRIMARIA: Alineación con programas de la SEP México (2011 y 2017)
- Using the Molecular Shapes PhET Simulation: Concept Development for Understanding Molecular Geometry and Shape
- Remote Learning Molecule Shapes
- Friction Investigation
- The Two-Slit Experiment
- Explorando Estados de la Materia
- Climate Change - Gas
- Waves Virtual Lab Part 2
- Build an Ion Inquiry Activity
- Faradays Electromagnetic Lab: Generating Electricity
- Introductions to Solutions
- Playing with atoms
- Fencing Spaces: Fixed Perimeter, Changing Area
- States of Matter - Lab Simulation - student procedures and questions
- Tectónica de placas e a abertura e expansão do fundo dos oceanos.
- Computer Simulations as a Tool to Assist Teaching Basics of Electromagnetism (Simulações Computacionais Como Ferramenta Auxiliar ao Ensino de Conceitos Básicos de Eletromagnetismo)