25 хайлтын үр дүн isotope-тай тохирч байна
Үйл ажиллагаанууд
- How Will This Isotope Decay?
- Isotopes & Atomic Mass-Inquiry Activity
- Build an Atom - Guided-Inquiry Activity
- Isotopes and Atomic Mass - Guided Inquiry Activity
- Isotope Stability and Radioactivity
- Build an Atom - Clicker Questions
- Interpreting Chemical Symbols
- Radioactive Decay
- Radioactive Decay
- Build an Atom, Isotope, & Ion
- Radioactive Dating Game inquiry
- Lab: PhET Build an Atom
- Atom Builder
- Isotopes Guided Inquiry
- Nuclear Decay Processes Lab
- PhET Atom Simulator
- Isotopes
- Enquête au sujet des atomes, des éléments, des ions et des isotopes
- Construire un atome
- Lab: PhET Isotopes and Atomic Mass
- Modeling Isotopes
- Build An Atom Guided Inquiry