Discover a Spring "Stretching Law" (Hooke

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عنوان Discover a Spring "Stretching Law" (Hooke
شرح Inquirey based learning to discover Hooke's Law The student is not told the name of the law as to prevent he or she from simply looking this up from a resource. This activity should be used before the students have been taught anything, including the name, of Hooke's Law.
موضوع فیزیک
سطح دبیرستان
نوع آزمایشگاه
مدت دقیقه ها 60
پاسخ ها شامل خیر
زبان انگلیسی
کلید واژه Algebra، Equations
شبیه سازی ها جرم ها و فنرها

نویسنده Michael Poynter
مدرسه / سازمان Evergreen High School, Evergreen, Colorado
ارسال شده 11/29/06
بروزرسانی شده 9/18/07