Displaying, Analyzing, and Summarizing Data A gold star indicates high-quality, inquiry-based activities that follow the PhET design guidelines.

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Tựa đề Displaying, Analyzing, and Summarizing Data
Mô tả • Students will conceptualize data as having variability that can be represented by a distribution Students will be able to describe the pattern formed by the data, as well as describe any outliers of that data. • Students will be able to display, analyze and summarize data with dot plots and histograms This activity is designed to go with GoMath Grade 6, Module 16, lessons 4 and 5 on Dot Plots and Histograms. We envision this being a first-day activity, with the second day covering the following content: o Variable data and statistical questions o Constructing frequency tables from data and dot plots o Constructing histograms from frequency tables
Chủ đề Toán
Cấp độ Middle School
Loại Guided Activity
Thời gian 60 phút
Bao gồm câu trả lời No
Ngôn ngữ Anh
Từ khoá data, distribution, dot plot, histogram, outliers
Mô phỏng Xác suất Plinko (HTML5)

Tác giả Jeffrey Bush
Trường / Tổ chức PhET
Ngày đăng ký 13/12/2017
Ngày cập nhật 13/12/2017