Waves on a String (Inquiry Based) A gold star indicates high-quality, inquiry-based activities that follow the PhET design guidelines.

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Tựa đề Waves on a String (Inquiry Based)
Mô tả The students will use the simulation to learn the goals through an inquiry approach.There is a pre/post test provided. This lesson has been updated for the HTML sim and has a remote lab for students working individually at home. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_qiaLNltKZ3zrMiI0U0UOJqcWUGz6dz0yanoWsVhriQ/edit?usp=sharing Learning Goals: Students will be able to discuss wave properties using common vocabulary and they will be able to predict the behavior of waves through varying medium and at reflective endpoints. I made the pre/post test into a power point for using with clickers and have included a few questions adapted from other sources.
Chủ đề Toán, Vật lý
Cấp độ High School, Middle School, Undergrad - Intro
Loại Chứng minh, Homework, Học từ xa, Lab, Multiple-Choice Concept Questions
Bao gồm câu trả lời No
Ngôn ngữ Anh
Từ khoá Light, Radiation, amplitude, frequency, math, phet activity, remote, sine, wave
Mô phỏng Sóng trên một sợi dây (HTML5)

Tác giả Trish Loeblein
Trường / Tổ chức PhET CU Boulder
Ngày đăng ký 30/07/2005
Ngày cập nhật 06/04/2020