Energy Skate Park Lab Questions

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ශීර්ෂ පාඨය Energy Skate Park Lab Questions
විස්තරය After students have had the opportunity to navigate the Energy Skate Park simulation, and have become familiar with manipulating the controls in the simulation, they will complete this experiment which is designed to reinforce prior learning about conservation of energy.
විෂය Physics
මට්ටම Middle School
වර්ගය Lab, Remote Learning
කාලය 60 minutes
ඇතුලත්කල පිළිතුරු No
භාෂාව ඉංග්‍රීසි
මූලපද Conservation of Energy, Friction, Kinetic Energy, Physics, Potential Energy
අනුහුරුකරණ Energy Skate Park (HTML5)

කර්තෘවරු Patrick Borden
පාසල / ආයතනය Bridgeport Public Schools
ඉදිරිපත් කල දිනය 1/6/21
යාවත්කාලීන කල දිනය 1/6/21