The x and y's of Gas Properties

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Titlul The x and y's of Gas Properties
Descriere Day 1 (1/2 day) Introduction to PhET Gas Properties and to Lab. Day 2: Student will divide into 3 groups A Pressure vs Temp B Pressure vs Number C Pressure vs Volume Individual students make graphs and perform graph analysis. Day 3: Student share data in groups
Disciplina Chimie
Nivel Liceu
Tip Laborator
Durata 30 minute
Răspunsuri incluse Nu
Limba Engleză
Cuvinte cheie Gases, Liquids, Solids
Simulare(i) Proprietăţile gazului

Autor(i) Brian Ash
Școală / Organizație Gunnison High School
Data transmiterii 16.02.2007
Data actualizării 27.07.2007