Exploring Equivalence with Rational Numbers: Part 2 Extending to Mixed Numbers Een gouden ster duidt op activiteiten van hoge kwaliteit gesteund op onderzoek die de PhET ontwerp gidslijnen volgen.

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Titel Exploring Equivalence with Rational Numbers: Part 2 Extending to Mixed Numbers
Beschrijving This activity should come after Part 1 or as a lesson for students who are ready to explore improper fractions and mixed numbers. This lesson helps students Identify and generate simple equivalent fractions and explain why the mixed numbers and improper fractions are equivalent. Students will use different models and representations to compare fractional parts. They will use ideas of fraction equivalence and ordering to 1) Explain equivalence of improper fractions and mixed numbers using drawings and models, 2) Recognize and generate equivalent improper fractions and mixed numbers.
Onderwerp Wiskunde
Niveau K-5, Midden School
Type Discussie, Geleide Activiteit, Labo
Duur 60 minuten
Antwoorden inbegrepen Neen
Taal Engels
Sleutelwoorden equivalence, fraction, improper, matcher, rational
Simulatie(s) Kies je breuk (HTML5), Breuken paren

Auteur(s) Michael Matassa
School Manhattan Middle School
Datum waarop ingediend 25-9-15
Datum waarop aangepast 25-9-15