Gas Laws, Quantitative, Boyle–Mariotte law

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Наслов Gas Laws, Quantitative, Boyle–Mariotte law
Опис A methodological guide for virtual lab activities on Boyle – Marriott Law. In Armenian educational environment this is a new type of learning material. Virtual lab work can provides ample opportunities to observe the physical phenomenon in detail and step-by-step, make measurements and plot graphs. The methodological guide is based on Gas Properties PhET sim translated by the author of current contribution
Субјект Физика
Ниво High School (Виша школа)
Тип Лаб
Трајање 30 минута
Укључен одговор Не
Језик Јерменски
Кључне речи Boyle-Mariotte, gas pressure, lab, volume

Аутори: Gagik Demirjian
Школа / Организација Gyumri State Pedagogical Institute
Послато 23.12.13.
Обновљено 23.12.13.