Gas Laws, Quantitative, Boyle–Mariotte law

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Título Gas Laws, Quantitative, Boyle–Mariotte law
Descrição A methodological guide for virtual lab activities on Boyle – Marriott Law. In Armenian educational environment this is a new type of learning material. Virtual lab work can provides ample opportunities to observe the physical phenomenon in detail and step-by-step, make measurements and plot graphs. The methodological guide is based on Gas Properties PhET sim translated by the author of current contribution
Assunto Física
Nível Ensino Secundário
Tipo Laboratório
Duração 30 minutos
Respostas Incluídas Não
Idioma Armenian
Palavras Chave Boyle-Mariotte, gas pressure, lab, volume
Simulações Propriedades do gás

Autores Gagik Demirjian
Escola / Organização Gyumri State Pedagogical Institute
Submetido 23-12-2013
Atualizado 23-12-2013