Visualizing a Mixture

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Titlul Visualizing a Mixture
Descriere Learning Objectives: ● Describe the process of solution formation for salts versus molecular compounds. ● Identify the differences in an ionic solution and a molecular solution -Key concepts: electrolytes, polar vs nonpolar molecules, dipole moment, concentration
Disciplina Chimie
Nivel Licențiat - Intro, Liceu
Tip Activitate dirijată
Durata 30 minute
Răspunsuri incluse Nu
Limba Engleză
Cuvinte cheie concentration, electrolytes, hydration, molecular geometry, polarity
Simulare(i) Sugar and Salt Solutions

Autor(i) Dan Kloster
Școală / Organizație Silver Creek High School
Data transmiterii 01.09.2020
Data actualizării 01.09.2020