Quadratic Functions for Projectile Motion A gold star indicates high-quality, inquiry-based activities that follow the PhET design guidelines.

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Tittel Quadratic Functions for Projectile Motion
Omtale In this two-day lesson, students explore the Projectile Motion PhET simulation and apply their prior knowledge of functions and quadratics to projectiles.
Emne Matematikk
Nivå Ungdomsskule, Vidaregåande skule
Type Discussion Prompts, Guided Activity
Tid 90 minutt
Inneheld svar Ja
Språk English
Nøkkelord maxima, minima, projectile motion, quadratic equations, quadratic functions, vertex form
Simuleringar Projectile Motion (HTML5)

Forfattarar Sarah Hampton and Sally Gillett
Skule / Organisasjon Sullins Academy
Lasta opp 06.06.18
Oppdatert 06.06.18