Launching Pumpkins - Solving Quadratic Functions

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Titel Launching Pumpkins - Solving Quadratic Functions
Beschrijving Students will be able to notice differences between quadratic and linear functions using real-world applications. Students will be able to solve quadratic functions for a specific variable.
Onderwerp Wiskunde
Niveau Hoger secundair onderwijs, Midden School
Type Discussie, Geleide Activiteit, Labo
Duur 60 minuten
Antwoorden inbegrepen Neen
Taal Engels
Sleutelwoorden Algebra, Quadratic Functions, Solving Quadratics, Square Roots
Simulatie(s) Projectielbeweging (HTML5)

Auteur(s) Craig Seaver
School Casey Middle School (BVSD)
Datum waarop ingediend 6-6-18
Datum waarop aangepast 6-6-18