134 хайлтын үр дүн resistance-тай тохирч байна
- Омын хууль (HTML5)
- Бтарей ба эсэргүүцэл
- Дамжуулагчийн Эсэргүүцэл (HTML5)
- Конденсатортай лаборатори: Үндэс (HTML5)
- Математик дүүжингийн лаборатори (HTML5)
- ХГ-ийн хэлхээ угсрах бүрдэл - ВирЛаб (HTML5)
- ХГ-ийн хэлээ угсрах бүрдэл (HTML5)
- Хэлхээний Иж бүрдэл: Тогтмол Гүйдэл (HTML5)
- Хэлхээний Иж бүрдэл: Тогтмол гүйдэл - Виртуаль Лаб (HTML5)
- Шидэгдсэн биеийн Хөдөлгөөн (HTML5)
Үйл ажиллагаанууд
- Resistance in a Wire
- Resistance in a Wire Remote Lab
- Basic Electricity: short inquiry activities includes ideas for several sims
- Resistance and Resistivity
- Air Resistance Lesson
- Resistance in a Wire
- Resistance of wire
- Resistance of wire
- Explorando variables de la electricidad
- Resistivity Worksheet
- Resistance in a Wire
- Ohm's Law and Resistance Virtual Lab
- Resistance and Resistivity
- Resistance and Ohm's Law Investigation
- Batteries, Resistance and Current
- Ohm's Law Remote Lab
- Visualizing Current, Voltage and Resistance
- Internal Resistance
- 2ª Lei de Ohm no "Resistance in a Wire (HTML5)"
- Visualizing Resistance
- Parallel Circuit Electrical Relationships
- Simple trends in resistor structure
- Resistance in Series Circuit
- Air Resistance
- Resistor Networks: Equivalent Resistance
- Circuit Construction Kit- series of three activitites (Inquiry Based)
- Using PhET in Electricity Unit
- Projectile Motion and Air Resistance
- resistance in parallel circuit
- What Affects Resistance
- Investigating Resistance in Circuits
- Laboratorio Virtual basado en el Aprendizaje Activo de la Física para abordar la Ley de Ohm y la Resistencia en un elemento conductor
- Projectile Motion ( including air resistance )
- Motions Air resistance
- Explore voltage, current and resistance in DC circuit
- Intro to Series and Parallel Circuits
- A Projectile Motion-Introduction (Inquiry Based)
- Projectile Investigation
- Introduction to Current, Voltage, and Resistance
- Resistência de um fio condutor
- Rezistorun Strukturu
- Ohm's Law
- Corrente e circuito elétrico
- Projectile Motion: Gravity & Air Resistance
- Series and Parallel Circuits
- Ohm's Law
- Ohm's Law Relationships
- Projectiles Air Resistance - It's a Drag
- projectile motion
- De Resistencia y Ley de Ohm
- Up and Down
- Projectile Motion Worksheet
- Series Circuits Electrical Relationships
- Series Circuit Simulation
- Parallel Circuit Electrical Relationships
- Projectile motion
- Električni otpor i Ohmov zakon
- Investigation of LR Circuits
- Ohm's Law - HTML5 sim
- Discovering Ohm's Law Inquiry Lab
- Circuit Creator
- Projectile motion
- Basics of Electricity
- D.C Circuit Simulation 1
- Circuit Virtual Lab (Ohm's Law)
- D.C Circuit Simulation 2 - Series and Parallel
- Projectile Motion Lab Exploration
- Ohm's Law
- Ohm's Law
- Friction Experiment
- Projectile Motion
- Ohm's Law
- Intro to Parallel & Series Circuits
- Ohm's Law
- Introduction to Circuits Inquiry
- projectile motion
- Ohm's Law with Series and Parallel Resistors
- Wheatstone Bridge
- Student Guide for PhET - Ohm's Law in html5
- Projectile Motion Homework
- R-C Circuits
- Projectile Motion
- Projectile Guided Inquiry
- projectile motion
- Simple Series and Parallel Circuits Lab
- Discovering Series Circuits
- Exploring Ohms Law with DC Circuits
- An investigation into Building Electric Circuits (Inquiry Based)
- Magnets, Electromagnets and Ohm's Law Lab!
- Signal Circuit and DC Circuit Construction Kit Lab!
- Virtual Lab - Circuit Basics
- Understanding Circuits
- projectile motion
- 3 Projectile Motion Factors
- Projectile Motion report
- Projectile worksheet
- Circuit Inquiry Lab
- Atividades sobre Eletricidade nos OA's do PhET
- Eletrodinâmica (Atividades) nos OA's do PhET
- sperimenta e rispondi
- Ohm's Law
- projectile motion
- How do PhET simulations fit in my middle school program?
- Ohm's Law, Kirchhoff's Laws, Resistors in Parallel and Series Lab
- Current in DC Circuits
- Circuit Simulation Lab
- Projectile Motion - Physics 1 Lab
- projectile motion
- Mapping of PhET and IBDP Physics
- Preguntas de razonamiento para todas las simulaciones HTML5
- MS and HS TEK to Sim Alignment
- Projectile Simuation
- Energy Skate Park Lab (html5)
- Projectile motion
- Horizontal Launch Investigation
- Projectile Motion Scientific Enquiry
- Charge and Energy Conservation in Circuits Inquiry
- DC Circuit Lab
- Projectile Motion Lab Report
- Simple series and parallel circuit comparison.
- SECUNDARIA: Alineación PhET con programas de la SEP México (2011 y 2017)
- PREPARATORIA: Alineación de PhET con programas de la DGB México (2017)
- Capacitor Lab: Basics: Inquiry into Capacitor Design