Следниве 503 резултати се најдени од пребарувањето Simulation
- Движење во 2-D
- Електричен хокеј
- Звучни бранови
- Молекули и светлост (HTML5)
- Нуклеарна фисија
- Повратни (реверзибилни) процеси
- Шетач (променливо праволиниско движење)
- Plinko Probability (HTML5)
- Projectile Data Lab (HTML5)
- Projectile Sampling Distributions (HTML5)
- Kinetics Guided Inquiry
- Visualization and Visual Illusions SIM Homework
- Density Simulation
- Color Vision Simulation Homework
- Sound Simulation Homework II
- Sugar and Salt Solutions: Exploring Common Substances Using a PhET Simulation
- Circuit Construction Kit Simulation Homework
- Electric Field Hockey Simulation Homework
- Introduction to the Photoelectric Effect Simulation
- Natural Selection Simulation
- Battery-Resistor Circuit Simulation Homework III
- Rutherford Scattring Simulation
- Energy Forms and Changes Simulation
- lac Operon Simulation
- Graphing Activity using Gas Properties Simulation
- Movement of substances across a semi-permeable membrane
- Battery-Resistor Circuit Simulation Homework II
- PhET Simulation- Lac Operon
- Energy Conservation Simulation Lab
- Das Hebelgesetz entdecken mit der Simulation Balanceakt
- Building Fraction Sense Using “Fractions Intro PhET Simulation”
- Seeing In Color Simulation
- Video: Faraday's Electromagnetic Lab Simulation (PhET) Explained
- Lembar Kerja Siswa Berbasis Simulation Based Laboratory
- Fluid Pressure and Flow Phet Simulation worksheet
- Work and Energy Simulation Lab
- Simulation
- Phet Nuclear Fission Simulation Lab
- Projectile Motion
- Projectile Motion
- Masses and Springs Simulation Homework
- Microwaves Simulation Homework
- Moving Man Simulation Activity
- Sound Simulation Homework
- Concentration - Clicker Questions
- Greenhouse Effect Worksheet
- Electric Field Lab
- Instruction set in Photoelectric Expt.
- Forces and Motion: Basic - Concept Introduction
- Conservation of mechanical energy
- Blackbody Spectrum & Lasers Simulations Homework
- Horizontal projectile motion
- Microwaves Simulation Activity
- Blackbody Spectrum Simulation Homework
- Greenhouse Simulation Lesson
- Video: Self-paced learning - Moving Man Simulation (Motion Graphs)
- Motion and Moving Man Simulation Homework
- Lab- Wave Simulation
- Density Simulation Lab
- Moving Man Simulation
- Free fall
- Wave clicker questions (Inquiry Based)
- States of Matter Basics - Clicker Questions
- Molecule Polarity - Clicker Questions
- Molecule Shapes - Clicker Questions
- Balancing Chemical Equations - Clicker Questions
- Isotopes and Atomic Mass - Clicker Questions
- Sugar and Salt Solutions - Clicker Questions
- Lens Equation Experiment using Excel
- Build an Atom - Clicker Questions
- States of Matter Simulation
- Eating and Exercise Simulation Activity
- Wave Intro Simulation Worksheet
- Natural Selection Simulation
- Wavey Simulation
- Energy Simulation
- Battery-Resistor Circuit Simulation Homework
- Density Simulation
- Molarity Simulation
- Linear Equations in Slope-Intercept and Point-Slope Form using “Graphing Lines PhET Simulation”
- Color Simulation
- Lab: Gas Laws Simulation
- Gas Simulation Remote Instruction
- Gas Properties and Balloons & Buoyancy Simulations Homework
- Vector addition worksheet
- Net force
- Qu'est ce qu'un ion et comment interpréter sa formule ?
- POGIL-style simulation analysis
- Coulombinc Force Simulation
- Energy Skate Park Basics - Clicker Questions
- Apples in 3 Baskets
- PHET energy forms and changes simulation worksheet to accompany simulation
- Vectors Addition
- Moving Man and Maze Game Simulations Homework
- Wave on a String Simulation
- LC Lab with Simulation
- Series Circuit Simulation
- Eating & Exercise Simulation Lesson
- D.C Circuit Simulation 1
- Concentration PhET Simulation Lab
- NGSS Simulation Alignment/Correlation
- Electric Field Simulation Activity
- States of Matter Simulation Lab
- Electrostatics Simulation lab
- 2nd Law Simulation Lab
- Gene Regulation Guided Simulation
- Gas Properties Simulation
- Coulombic Force Simulation Observations
- projectile motion simulation
- Electromagnetic Generation - Phet simulation
- Cell Transport and Neuron Simulation
- Ramp Simulation Activity
- Build an Atom PHET Simulation
- Electric Fields Simulation
- PhET Faraday Simulation
- Natural Selection Simulation
- Nuclear Fission Simulation
- Plate Tectonic Simulation
- States of Matter Basics Simulation
- Chemical Formulas PhET Simulation
- Gas laws simulation lab
- Radio Waves & Electromagnetic Fields Simulation Homework
- Natural Selection Simulation Activity
- Energy Forms Simulation Activity
- Natural Selection PhET Simulation
- PhET Simulation- Build a Molecule
- PhET Projectiles Simulation Lab
- Bending Light Simulation Observations
- Eating and Exercise Simulation
- Area Model Intro Simulation
- Phet Simulation - Modeling Molecules
- Circuit Simulation Lab
- Effectuer une simulation laboratoire
- Rotational Equilibrium Simulation HW
- Natural selection simulation lab
- Stehende Wellen mit der Simulation Seilwelle erforschen
- Vector Addition 2: Understanding Force equilibrium (Inquiry Based)
- Gas Properties Modular Homework Activity
- Phet Simulation - Gases Intro Worksheet
- Spring Simulation - Identifying Variables & Asking Questions
- Discovering Beer’s Law by a Simulation-based Laboratory
- LR Lab with Simulation Part 1
- LR Lab with Simulation Part 2
- Projectile Motion Phet Simulation Activity
- Phet Solar System Simulation Lab
- Phet Beta Decay Simulation Lab
- Gravity Force Simulation - Concept Questions
- Electric Circuits Simulation: Building Models
- Study Guide for lac Operon Simulation
- Phet Alpha Decay Simulation Lab
- The Greenhouse Effect PhET Simulation Lab
- Energy Skate Park Student Simulation
- Energy Simulation Lab - Skate Park
- States of Matter - Lab Simulation - student procedures and questions
- Gas Properties Phet Simulation worksheet (AP Physics 2)
- What is greater and less?
- pH Scale Basics Remote Lab1
- Waves: Superposition (Inquiry Based)
- Molecule Polarity
- States of Matter (Inquiry based) Phase Change and Phase diagrams
- Salts and Solubility 5 Activities in pdf
- Seeing Colors
- Simple Inquiry-based Build an Atom Simulation Student worksheet
- Sound: An Introduction (Inquiry Based)
- Circuit Activity 2 Series & Parallel Circuits (Inquiry Based)
- Ramp Activity 1: Using free body diagrams for motion on an incline (Inquiry Based)
- Ramp Activity 2: Calculating Net force on an incline (Inquiry Based)
- A Projectile Motion-Introduction (Inquiry Based)
- Forces and Motion: Finding the Mass of a Car
- Circuit 1 Properties of Electric Circuits (Inquiry Based)
- Vector Addition Worksheet
- D.C Circuit Simulation 2 - Series and Parallel
- Neon Lights & Other Discharge Lamps: Lab Simulation
- Action Potential Simulation - Guided Inquiry Activity
- States of Matter Guided Activity - PhET Simulation
- Exploring Pressure Underground with PhET Simulation Lab
- Phet Simulation: Energy Form--Intro(Heat)
- Isotopes and Atomic Mass Phet Simulation Guided Inquiry
- Math in Motion
- Circuit activity 3 Combination Circuits using CCK only (Inquiry Based)
- Conservation of Energy using Masses and Springs (Inquiry Based)
- Graphing Quadratics
- Quadratic Functions for Projectile Motion
- Salts and Solubility 2: Solubility (Inquiry Based)
- Kinetic and Potential energy
- Calculating Concentration
- Vector Addition 1: Introduction to vector math (Inquiry Based)
- Circuit Construction Kit- series of three activitites (Inquiry Based)
- Acid Base Solutions: Concentration and Strength
- FREE Auto-Graded PhET Activities on Quizizz
- Wave Representations (Inquiry Based)
- Stern Gerlach clicker questions
- MRI lecture and homework
- Using the Reactions and Rates PhET Simulation: Concept Development Activity for Kinetics and Rates of Reactions
- Using the Molecule Polarity PhET Simulation: Concept Development for Understanding Molecular Dipoles
- Projectile Motion
- Salts and Solubility 5: Designer Salts (Inquiry Based)
- Gravity Force Investigation (PreAP)
- Forces and Motion activity 1: Predicting speed and directions changes (Inquiry Based)
- Salts and Solubility 4: Using Q and LeChateliers Principle
- Fraction Matcher Game
- Parallel Circuit Electrical Relationships
- Density Inquiry
- Activity in Mechanics (Collisions)
- Prediction Sheet for Linear Motion
- Forces and Motion: Tug O' War
- Conservation of Energy using Masses and Springs (homework version) (Inquiry Based)
- Investigating Waves
- Circuit activity 3 Combination Circuits (Inquiry Based)
- Organize it!
- Similar Triangles and Slope
- Conservation of Energy 1: Introduction (qualitative approach)
- Salts and Solubility 3: Solution Equilibrium and Ksp (Inquiry Based)
- Sound_Inquiry for Middle School
- Induction (high school version) (Inquiry Based)
- Salts and Solubility 1: introduction to salts (Inquiry Based)
- Wave Particle Duality
- Energy skate park
- Atomic models homework (Inquiry based)
- Moving Man (Inquiry Based)
- Discovering Newton's Second Law
- Magnets-Introduction (Inquiry Based)
- Balloons and Static Electricity | Remote Lab
- Circuit activity 2 Series and Parallel Circuits using only CCK (Inquiry Based)
- Arbeitsblatt Natürliche Selektion
- Using the Coulomb’s Law PhET Simulation: Concept Development for Understanding Electrostatic Forces
- Using the Atomic Interactions PhET Simulation: Concept Development for Understanding Energy Changes Associated with Bond Forming and Bond Breaking Events
- Using the Molecular Shapes PhET Simulation: Concept Development for Understanding Molecular Geometry and Shape
- Using the Gases Intro PhET Simulation: Concept Development for Understanding Gas Laws and the Variable Changes Associated with Them
- Vectors Worksheet
- Molecular Geometry Flash Cards
- Charges and Fields Remote Lab Introduction to Static Electricity
- Forces and Motion: Balanced and Unbalanced Forces, and Predicting Changes in Motion (Inquiry Based)
- vectors addition
- Induction (college homework version) (Inquiry Based)
- Sandwich Stiochiometry
- Waves on a String (Inquiry Based)
- Types of Forces Investigation
- Making Green Paint
- Masses and Springs: Energy
- Momentum and Center of Mass
- pH Learning Goals by developement team (Inquiry Based)
- Projectile Motion Worksheet
- Questions on conservation of momentum
- Solutions Unit Sample
- Stimulation of a Neuron and the Resulting Action Potential
- Water Polarity and Purification
- Waves Intro | Remote Lab
- Testing Ideas from Classical and Quantum Physics
- Greenhouse
- Gravity and Orbits Investigation
- Colors, Bunnies and Wolves: does the strongest survive?
- Gases Understanding physical properties of gases (Inquiry Based)
- Waves on a String HTML5 PreAP Lesson
- Energy Chains
- pH Scale Basics | Remote Lab
- 2-Point Source Interference Lab
- Build a Molecule
- Activity in Electricity and Magnetism (Resistor Networks and Kirchhoff's Rules)
- Gravity Force Lab PreAP using HTML5 Sim
- Electricity Simulations Analysis
- Mixed Number Intro
- Isotopes and Atomic Mass
- Electric Field Activity
- Things you can show with 'My Solar System'
- Projectile motion
- Vector Addition
- Virtual Collisions Lab
- conservation of mechanical energy
- How are greenhouse gases different from non-greenhouse gases?
- Greenhouse Effect Guided Worksheet
- Time of flight related to initial speed in a horizontal projectile.
- Wave on a String Comparison
- Wave Interference
- Function Builder
- Gene Expression-the Basics
- Hooke's LAw
- Capacitor Design Remote Lab
- Energy Skate Park Basics | Remote Lab
- Energy Skater -- Introduction to Mechanical Energy Conservation
- Vector Walk
- Balanced and Unbalanced Forces - What Causes Acceleration
- La hauteur et la vitesse
- Conversation of Mechenical Energy
- Outlining Bonding vs. Shape Polarity
- Estimating the Length of Everyday Objects (Inquiry Based)
- Reactions and Rates: Learning Goals from the design team (Inquiry Based)
- In/Post-Class Worksheet, Wave Interference, Sound/Water, PhET
- Energy Skate Park Lab (html5)
- The sense and nature of electric current
- Force and Motion: Mass vs. Speed
- Introduction to Net Force
- Coulombgesetz erarbeiten
- Student Guide for PhET - Ohm's Law in html5
- Student Guide for PhET - The Moving Man (JAVA) student guide
- Student Guide for PhET - Build an Atom in html5
- Student Guide for PhET - Balancing Act in html5
- Student Guide for PhET - Concentration in html5
- Energy Skate Park Lab Questions
- Student Guide for PhET - pH Scale in html5
- Student Guide for PhET - Reactants, Products and Leftovers in html5
- Student Guide for PhET - Molarity in html5
- Student Guide for PhET - Balancing Chemical Equations in html5
- Using an Area Model to Multiply
- Investigating Kinetic Energy
- Student Guide for PhET - Acid Base Solutions in html5
- Student Guide for PhET - Molecule Shapes in html5
- Quantum Wave Interference, 2 Lasers, PhET, Worksheet
- In_Post Class Worksheet, Wave Interference, light, PhET.
- Student Guide for PhET - States of Matter in html5
- Student Guide for PhET - Gravity and Orbits
- Student Guide for PhET - Forces Motion in html5
- States of Matter Modeling
- vectors
- projectile motion
- Projectile Motion
- Projectile Motion
- projectile motion
- https://youtu.be/B4_UEJzch3o
- Projectile Motion Exploration
- Waves
- Producing Electromagnetic Radiation using a Neon
- Zderzenia - eksperyment symulowany
- Equipotential Surfaces Lab Activity
- Gravity and Orbits Experimental Design Research Project
- Vector Addition
- Conductors and Insulators
- vector addition
- States of Matter lab handout
- Electric Field Hocket
- Operon Modeling 2.0
- Ohm's Law
- Projectile Motion
- Greenhouse Effect
- Density Lesson (with Putty Lab)
- Visualizing Current, Voltage and Resistance
- Plate Motions Lab Sheet
- Verification of Ohm's Law
- Energy Skate Park Basics Lesson
- Boyle's Law
- Hot Air Balloons Lesson
- Energy Flow Chart Lab
- Ohm's Law Graphing Lab
- Forces and Motion activity questions
- Lenses and their Images
- Models of the Atom
- Newton's Gravitation Law
- Measuring Current in a Series Circuit
- Correlation vs Causation
- Investigate the Energy of a Pendulum
- Projectile Motion
- Photoelectric Effect
- Building Atomic Models
- Phet Energy Forms and Changes Student Worksheet
- Natural Selection Lab Questions
- Discharge Lamps & Flame Tests
- Concentration
- Moving Man Algebra uses
- Projectile motion
- Projectile Motion Investigation
- Exploration du concept de concentration
- Newton's Laws and the Lunar Lander
- Force and Motion
- Wave on a String, No End, Pre/In/Post-Class Worksheet
- Density of Solids and Liquids
- Projectile motion and horizontal component of its velocity
- Blackbody spectra: Wien's Law and the Stephan-Boltzmann law
- PhET Lab Energy Skate Park 2
- In_Post Class Worksheet, Wave Interference, light, Slits, PhET.
- The Effects of Resource Availability on Populations
- Investigating Springs
- Introduction to Molarity and Dilutions
- Capacitors
- Photoelectric Effect Phet Worksheet (AP Physics 2)
- Online Vector Lab
- Forces and Motion Lesson
- Introduction to Equivalent Fractions
- Forces and Motion Basics Interactive Activity
- Introduction to Ionic & Covalent Bonding
- PhET Lab States of Matter Basics
- Satellite Motion Lab
- Alignment of PhET sims with NGSS
- Exploring Ohms Law with DC Circuits
- Making Molecules
- Why do Icebergs Float?
- Making use of the Sound Simulations
- Predicting the impact point in horizontal launch simulations
- Projectile Motion Lab Exploration
- How does the mass and velocity of a satellite affect the orbit?
- Exploring Newton
- Electric Field Hockey Post Activity
- Reaktionsgleichungen ausgleichen
- Energy Skate Park
- Charges and Fields Exploration
- Guided Activity - Greenhouse Effect
- Blackbody Spectrum
- Intrinsic Randomness
- Tricky Dimensions – a Spin-off of a Sim
- Identifying and Differentiating States of Matter
- Current in DC Circuits
- Circuit Construction Kit
- Projectile Motion - Physics 1 lab experiment
- Simple Pendulum
- Forces and Motion with Friction Group Activity
- Energy Skate Park Basics Student Guide [HTML]
- Projectile Motion
- Circuit Builder: Parallel and Series Circuits
- Forces and Motion - Friction and Free Body Diagrams
- Vectors worksheet
- Build a Molecule
- IMF and phase changes
- Properties of Air
- Visualizing Resistance
- Exploring Light as a Wave
- Super Basic Gas Law
- Variables and Coefficients
- Chemistry Theater
- Energy Transformations
- Refraction in Glass Blocks
- PhET Forces Lab
- Integer Addition and Subtraction Assessment
- Deriving Gas Properties
- PhET Atom Simulator
- Isotopes
- Balancing equation
- The Covalent Bond Between Two Atoms
- Experimenting with forces (CER)
- worksheet about vectors
- Bunny Population Growth
- Photoelectric, Light, and Quantum Worksheet
- Energy Skate Park Lesson
- What Type of Light Bulb Should I buy for my Grandma?
- 2.6 APES: Adaptation & Natural Selection
- Projectile Motion Virtual Lab Activity
- Discovering Acids and Bases
- circuits in parallel and in series
- Density-introduction
- Bouncing Off the Walls
- Projectile motion
- Finding Wave Properties
- projectile motion
- How are products and factors related?
- Projectile Motion in Sports
- Projectile Simuation
- vector addition activity
- Wave Refraction
- Ripple While You Work
- Investigating Resistance in Circuits
- Quantum Wave Interference, PhET, Worksheet, High Intensity, Problems
- PhET: Color Vision | Remote Lab
- High School Chemistry 1 level: Limiting reagents
- Ohm's Law
- Gene Expression and Protein Synthesis
- Comparing the properties of different materials
- Guided Exploration on Lac Operon Function
- Atom Builder
- Discharge Lamps and Electron Transitions
- ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Chemical Reactions of Alkanes and Alkenes
- Introduction to the Gas Laws using PhET simulations
- Stimulating Neurons
- Pressure in Liquids and Gases
- Newton's Second Law Investigation
- Science activity sheet: Acids_bases solutions
- Introduction to Vectors
- Graphing Energy at the Skate Park
- Circuits lab manual with experimental& theoretical value comparison
- Projectile Motion
- Skate Park and Energy Conservation
- Friction Investigation
- Balancing Torques and Equilibrium
- ChemActivity: Phase Changes and Intermolecular Forces
- Natural Selection
- Games in Net Force
- Investigating Gravitational Interactions
- Introduction to the gas laws
- Spring Oscillators Activity
- Exploring Area and Perimeter
- energy systems phet worksheet
- Projectile Motion Experiment
- Exploring the density of mysterious objects
- Natural Selection - 7.2 AP BIOLOGY
- Balancing Chemical Equations
- Quantitative Representation of Natural Selection
- Vector Addition Worksheet
- Hooke's law
- Playing with atoms
- Wave Interference Lab: Path Difference impact on Constructive and Destructive Interference
- Direct Instructions for PhET Balancing Equations
- Group data generating activity to find Lac Operon effectiveness
- CD's, DVD's & Optical Commmunication: Binary Coding and Diffraction Errors
- Finding Unit Rates Using Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division
- Modelling Motion
- Ohm's Law with Series and Parallel Resistors
- Exploring Chemical Reactions and the Law of Conservation of Mass
- Light Emission and Lasers
- Matching Fractions
- Modeling Paradigm Lab- 2nd Law
- Online Assignment 4 Ms & Ss
- Exploring the pH Scale
- Climate Change - The Gas Phase