Conservation of Linear Momentum

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Pavadinimas Conservation of Linear Momentum
Aprašymas This experiment is designed to show the difference between the elastic collision and the inelastic collision in one dimension, and also to watch what will happen to the speed of the objects after collision in the elastic collision when the masses are equal and when the masses are not equal.
Tema Fizika
Lygis Bakalauras - įžanga
Tipas Lab, Nuotolinis mokymasis
Trukmė 120 minutės
Įtraukti Atsakymai Ne
Kalba Anglų
Raktažodžiai Collision, Kinetic Energy, Linear Momentum
Simuliacija(-os) Collision Lab

Autorius (-ai) Omar Adwan
Mokykla / Organizacija University of Sharjah
Pateikimo data 20.5.21
Data atnaujinta 20.6.1