196 რეზულტატი ძიებაზე potential V
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- Band Structure
- Quantum Bound States
- Double Wells and Covalent Bonds
- Molecule Polarity (HTML5)
- Molecule Polarity
- Quantum Tunneling and Wave Packets
- Kinetic and Potential energy
- Potential Difference in Circuits
- Mechanical energy - Kinetic and Potential
- Exploring Electric Potential, Electric Field and Distance Relationships
- Potential and Kinetic Energy
- Charges and Fields
- Understanding Voltage, Potential Difference and Potential /Voltage Drop
- Lab: Electric Field and Potential
- mechanical energy - exploring kinetic and potential energy
- Introduction to energy- a chemical context
- Potential Energy of A Spring (Elastic Potential Energy)
- Electric Field and Potential Lab
- 2-Point Source Interference Lab
- I, V and R in circuits
- Energy Skate Park Basics - Clicker Questions
- Intermolecular Forces and States of Matter - Interactive Lecture Demonstration
- Energy Skate Park Basics Lesson
- Lab: Electric Field & Electric Potential
- Kinetic and Potential Energy
- Experimental Design with Forces
- Electric Field vs Electric Potential
- potential barrier lab
- Energy Skate Park Basics
- Electric Energy and Capacitance demonstrations (Inquiry Based)
- Energy Skate Park for Middle School(Inquiry Based)
- Conservation of Energy for Middle School
- Prática 02- Potencial elétrico
- Stimulation of a Neuron and the Resulting Action Potential
- Kinetic, Potential and Total Energy: Claim, Evidence, Reasoning
- Energy Skate Park Basics | Remote Lab
- Hoja de predicciones
- Action Potential Simulation - Guided Inquiry Activity
- potential well lab
- Modeling: deriving "v =(wavelength)(f); et al.
- Spring Force, Spring Constant and Elastic Potential Energy
- Student Guide for PhET - Ohm's Law in html5
- Investigating the relationship between field and potential around point charges
- Electric field, electric potential and Coulomb's law
- Roller Coaster Physics Investigation
- Lesson plan
- Conservation of Energy using Masses and Springs (Inquiry Based)
- Elastic potential energy, work and Hooke’s law.
- Prática 01- Cargas e Campos
- Energy Forms Clicker Questions
- Laptop opdracht 50 minuten
- Conservation of Energy using Masses and Springs (homework version) (Inquiry Based)
- Conservation of Energy 1: Introduction (qualitative approach)
- Atividade Energia Mecânica gamificada
- Intermolecular Forces and Molecules - Interactive Lecture Demonstration
- Skate Park Phet- Science 8 and ACC Science 8
- Pendulum Energy
- Energy Skate Park: Basics
- Hombre móvil. MRU y MRUA.
- Reactions and Rates 2: Intro to Kinetics (inquiry based)
- Reactions and Rates 3: Introduction to Equilibrium (Inquiry Based)
- Cell Transport and Neuron Simulation
- Virtual Lab - Circuit Basics
- Science Teacher
- Energy Skate Park
- Finding Properties of Energy (via the skate park)
- Gamificação da Força e movimento
- Conservation of mechanical energy.
- Charges & Fields PhET Lab
- Batteries
- Calculating the Acceleration
- Reflection and Transmission Interactive Lecture
- Energy Skate Park - Concept Questions Compendium
- Energy skate park
- Conservation of Mechanical Energy
- PHET: Masses and Springs 2021
- Conservation of Mechanical Energy
- Conservation of Energy - conceptual
- PhET Energy Sk8r sim Activity
- Energy Simulation
- Ohm's Law
- Energy Skatepark Adventures
- Work - Energy
- Energy skate park
- Energy Skatepark!
- Energy Skate Park Worksheet
- Intro to Energy Conservation
- Intro to energy
- Conservation Of Mechanical Energy
- Lab Experiment
- Atomic Interactions PhET Exploration - with Coulomb's Law application
- Mechanical energy lab - Remote
- The gas laws
- Capacitors Lab
- Series & Parallel Circuits PhET Lab
- Energy Skate Park
- The Ramp--Conservation of Energy
- Kirchhoff's LAw
- Pendulum Virtual Lab 2021
- Conservation of Energy
- Energy Skate Park Lab
- Energy Skate Park
- Capacitor Building Guided Inquiry
- Student Guide for PhET - Gas Properties html5 - Word to Google doc friendly
- Hooke's Law
- Masses and Springs: Energy
- Hooke's Law investigation including multi-spring systems and Energy
- Electric Field Hocket
- Investigating Kinetic Energy
- PHETman
- Conceptual Energy and Springs
- Phet Skate Park Inquiry Lab and Graphical Modelling Activity
- Qualitative Introduction to Energy
- Energy Skater -- Introduction to Mechanical Energy Conservation
- Energy Skate Park: Basics
- Behavior of Semiconducting Materials
- Video: Faraday's Electromagnetic Lab Simulation (PhET) Explained
- Video: Self-paced learning - Moving Man Simulation (Motion Graphs)
- Internal Resistance
- conservation of mechanical energy
- Work Energy on a Ramp
- Energy Skate Park Basics Student Guide [HTML]
- Energy Skate Park Lab Questions
- Energy in a Pendulum
- Using the Molecule Polarity PhET Simulation: Concept Development for Understanding Molecular Dipoles
- Conservation of Energy Exploration with Skatepark Physics
- Energy Simulation Lab - Skate Park
- 2. Newtonov zakon
- Video: Self-paced learning on Boyle's Law
- Circuit Virtual Lab (Ohm's Law)
- Video: Self-paced Investigation on Simple Harmonic Motion of a spring-mass system
- Video: Self-paced Investigation on Hooke's Law Virtual Lab
- Exploration of KMT and Gas Laws
- Video: Self-paced learning on Energy Transformation
- Video: Self-paced learning on Newton's Second Law
- Video: Self-paced Investigation on Fluid Pressure
- Energy Analysis of a Mass Oscillating on a Spring
- Equipotential Surfaces Lab Activity
- Conservation of Mechanical Energy
- Natural Selection PhET Simulation
- Energy in a Skateboarder-Conservation of Energy
- Kennismaken met bewegingsdiagrammen en versnelling
- Introduction to Energy Model
- Energy Skate Park
- Energy Skate Park Basics: Énergie potentielle et cinetique
- Using the Atomic Interactions PhET Simulation: Concept Development for Understanding Energy Changes Associated with Bond Forming and Bond Breaking Events
- Modelling Motion
- Video: Self-paced learning on Electrical Equipotential Lines
- Phet Energy Forms and Changes Student Worksheet
- Conservation of Mechanical Energy
- Series, parallel circuits
- Συγκέντρωση διαλύματος
- Ohm's Law
- Video: Self-paced learning on Newton's First Law
- Online Assignment 4 Ms & Ss
- Charges and Fields Exploration
- Conservation of Mechanical Energy (Lab Report)
- Energy Skate Park Analysis Lab
- Circuit Builder: Parallel and Series Circuits
- Capacitor and Dielectric 2
- Energy Skate Park Student Simulation
- Pendulum Energy
- Skate Park and Energy Conservation
- Prática 03 - Capacitor de placas paralelas
- Energy Skate Park Formal Lab
- AP Physics Gravity Lab
- Ohm's Law
- Investigating Resistance in Circuits
- Energy Skate Park Lab (html5)
- DC Measuring Devices
- GRANDEURS THERMODYNAMIQUES : Du macroscopique au microscopique
- Laboratorio Virtual : Cargas y Campos Eléctricos
- Photoelectric Effect
- Energy Skate Park Basics Energy Exploration
- Energy Skate Park Lesson
- Resistivity in a wire
- Graphing Energy at the Skate Park
- Cambio de Estado
- Unusual cases of oscillation