- 电荷曲棍球
- 电荷与电场 (HTML5)
- 法拉第电磁感应实验
- 简化的核磁共振NMR
- 酸碱溶液 (HTML5)
- 原子的相互作用 (HTML5)
- 质量与弹簧:基础 (HTML5)
- 钟摆实验 (HTML5)
- 重力和轨道 (HTML5)
- Magnets and Electromagnets (HTML5)
- Magnet and Compass (HTML5)
- Faraday's Electromagnetic Lab (HTML5)
- Acid Concentration and Strength Investigation
- Acid Base Solutions: Concentration and Strength
- Acid-Base Macro Particulate Symbolic
- Strong and Weak Acids
- Eating and Exercise Activity
- Electric field - patterns and strength
- PHET Charges and Fields Activity Part 1
- Introduction to the Covalent Bond
- Investigating Electric Fields
- Magnets-Introduction (Inquiry Based)
- Magnets and Compasses
- Introduction to Static Electricity using Electric Field Hockey and Charges and Fields (Inquiry Based)
- Introduction to Magnetic Fields (bar magnets and electromagnets) - Inquiry Based
- Exploring Electric Potential, Electric Field and Distance Relationships
- Gravity and Orbits
- Practicas ácido-base
- Charges and Fields Remote Lab Introduction to Static Electricity
- Gravity and Orbits Investigation
- Intermolecular Forces and Molecules - Interactive Lecture Demonstration
- pH Scale Basics | Remote Lab
- Video: Self-paced learning on Electrical Equipotential Lines
- Initial Magnetism Investigation (Inquiry Based)
- Mass Spring Activity
- Electric Field Lab
- Exploring EM Forces
- Investigating time period of a simple pendulum
- Hooke's law
- Mass/Spring Activity
- IMF and phase changes
- Weak vs. Strong
- Determinine Electric Field Relationships
- Projectile Lab (Angled Launch)
- Projectile Lab (Horizontal Launch)
- Science activity sheet: Acids_bases solutions
- Guided Inquiry - Electric Fields
- POGIL-style simulation analysis
- Hooke's Law and the Spring Constant
- Faradays Electromagnetic Lab: Generating Electricity