uniformly accelerated motion
- uniformly accelerated motion.docx - 10795 kB
标题 | uniformly accelerated motion |
描述 | In this activity the student will control the distance traveled along the ramp and then read the velocity at the end of the ramp after that he/she will find the object's constant acceleration using the distance versus time squared graph and then he /she will find the gravity (g) and compare it to the real value 9.81m/s2 |
科目 | 物理学 |
等级 | 本科生 - 低年级, 高中 |
类型 | Remote Learning, 实验室 |
持续时间 | 90 分钟 |
是否包含答案 | 否 |
语言 | 英语 |
关键词 | constant acceleration, constant force, gravity, ramp, velocity |
仿真程序 | 斜面 |
作者 | Nawal Nayfeh |
学校/组织 | University of Sharjah |
提交日期 | 20-5-15 |
更新日期 | 20-5-19 |