uniformly accelerated motion

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标题 uniformly accelerated motion
描述 In this activity the student will control the distance traveled along the ramp and then read the velocity at the end of the ramp after that he/she will find the object's constant acceleration using the distance versus time squared graph and then he /she will find the gravity (g) and compare it to the real value 9.81m/s2
科目 物理学
等级 本科生 - 低年级, 高中
类型 Remote Learning, 实验室
持续时间 90 分钟
语言 英语
关键词 constant acceleration, constant force, gravity, ramp, velocity
仿真程序 斜面

作者 Nawal Nayfeh
学校/组织 University of Sharjah
提交日期 20-5-15
更新日期 20-5-19