Phet Energy Forms and Changes Student Worksheet

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Sarlavha Phet Energy Forms and Changes Student Worksheet
Tavsif Complete with screenshots and directions on how to navigate through the site. Students identify the different forms of energy in the simulation. Added to the worksheet (assuming students have background on these topics apart from the simulation) are questions involving gravitational potential energy, sound energy, nuclear energy, and elastic potential energy.
Fan Fizika
Daraja O‘rta maktab
Tur Laboratoriya, Yo‘naltirilgan faoliyat
Davomiylik 60 minut
Javoblar Kiritilgan Yo‘q
Til Inglizcha
Kalit so‘zlar thermal light mechanical electrical chemical gravitational energy
Simulyatsiya(lar) Energiya shakllari va o'zgarishlar

Muallif(lar) Lynn Ressler
Maktab/Tashkilot Donegal Junior High School
Topshirilgan sana 11/16/16
Yangilangan sana 11/16/16