Using the Molecule Polarity PhET Simulation: Concept Development for Understanding Molecular Dipoles

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Наслов Using the Molecule Polarity PhET Simulation: Concept Development for Understanding Molecular Dipoles
Опис This activity was done in week 7 of the first term general chemistry course at UC-Riverside. The activity was done at the beginning of the unit on molecular dipoles, which was initiated immediately after the unit on molecular shape/geometry. This activity was done as the initial exploration into the concept of molecular polarity, with the goal of helping students understand how applying the concepts of electronegativity, bond dipoles, and molecular shape can allow one to determine if a net molecular dipole exists or not.
Субјект Хемија
Ниво Основне студије - Увод
Тип Guided Activity
Трајање 90 минута
Укључен одговор Да
Језик Енглески
Кључне речи Molecular shape, bond dipoles, electrostatic potential, molecular dipoles
Симулације Поларност молекула (HTML5)

Аутори: Jack Eichler, Ellen Yezierski
Школа / Организација UC Riverside
Послато 23.10.20.
Обновљено 26.10.22.