Waves on a String Discovery Activity

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Názov Waves on a String Discovery Activity
Popis Students make observations of: (1)the differences between pulses reflected off of free and fixed end and (2)the effect of tension on wave pulses. Students then compare and constrast the properties of each. For a continuous stream of pulses, students conduct an experiment to determine the relationships between: (1) frequency and wavelength, (2) frequency and wavespeed, (3) tension and wavespeed, (4) amplitude and wave speed.
Predmet Fyzika
Úroveň Stredná škola
Typ Laboratórne cvičenie
Trvanie 60 min
Vrátane odpovedí Nie
Jazyk Angličtina
Kľúčové slová Algebra, Equations
Simulácia Vlnenie v rade bodov

Autor(i) Lori Andersen
Škola / Organizácia Grafton High School
Dátum odoslania 20.4.2007
Dátum aktualizácie 18.9.2007