Equilibrium and Le Chatelier's Principle

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ශීර්ෂ පාඨය Equilibrium and Le Chatelier's Principle
විස්තරය Students run an experiment to establish a value for the K and then apply different stresses, calculating Q and making predictions before observing the reaction. An additional opportunity to have students design their own experiments and consider how changing the temperature changes the equilibrium. This is a new activity and based off of the other activities posted here.
විෂය Chemistry
මට්ටම High School, Undergrad - Intro
වර්ගය Guided Activity, Homework, Remote Learning
කාලය 60 minutes
ඇතුලත්කල පිළිතුරු No
භාෂාව ඉංග්‍රීසි
මූලපද K, Le Chatelier's Principle, Q, equilibrium
අනුහුරුකරණ Reactions & Rates

කර්තෘවරු Cricket McCaffrey-Clark
පාසල / ආයතනය Concord Carlisle High School
ඉදිරිපත් කල දිනය 2/18/22
යාවත්කාලීන කල දිනය 2/18/22