Discharge Lamps and Electron Transitions

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ශීර්ෂ පාඨය Discharge Lamps and Electron Transitions
විස්තරය This activity is designed to complement lessons about flame tests and line emission spectra. Students use the PhET simulation to explore how energy is transferred between free electrons and electrons in atoms. They also investigate how this energy is related to the energies, wavelengths and colors of the photons released by electrons in atoms.
විෂය Chemistry, Physics
මට්ටම High School, Undergrad - Intro
වර්ගය Guided Activity
කාලය 60 minutes
ඇතුලත්කල පිළිතුරු No
භාෂාව ඉංග්‍රීසි
මූලපද atoms, electrons, emission spectrum, energy, frequency, wavelength
අනුහුරුකරණ Neon Lights & Other Discharge Lamps

කර්තෘවරු Linda Cummings
පාසල / ආයතනය The Classical Academy
ඉදිරිපත් කල දිනය 3/21/17
යාවත්කාලීන කල දිනය 3/21/17