The Greenhouse Effect PhET Simulation Lab

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Titlul The Greenhouse Effect PhET Simulation Lab
Descriere Students analyze the absorption/radiation capabilities of GHG versus N2 and O2 for both visible light and infrared. Upon completion of Part 1 students analyze the effects of different forcings on Earth average temperature.
Disciplina Biologie, Științele Pământului
Nivel Liceu
Tip Laborator
Durata 60 minute
Răspunsuri incluse Nu
Limba Engleză
Cuvinte cheie Climate Change, Greenhouse Effect, Greenhouse Gases
Simulare(i) The Greenhouse Effect

Autor(i) Matthew Wasilawski
Școală / Organizație Union Springs Central School
Data transmiterii 26.01.2016
Data actualizării 26.01.2016