Resistivity in a wire

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Гарчиг Resistivity in a wire
Тайлбар This is an IGCSE physics test question from Nov. 2018 from the Cambridge International Education website. It is meant as a substitute for lab practice during on-line learning periods. It asks the student to set up a simple circuit, adjust some settings and then measure the potential difference for different lengths of wire. Students are also asked to graph their data and calculate the resistivity of the wire.
Судлагдахуун Физик
Түвшин Ахлах анги
Төрөл Лаб
Үргэлжлэх хугацаа 60 минут
Багтаасан хариултууд Үгүй
Хэл Англи
Түлхүүр үгс Circuit, Ohms law, resistivity
Загварчлал(ууд) Хэлхээний Иж бүрдэл: Тогтмол Гүйдэл (HTML5)

Зохиогч(д) Bill Stanton
Сургууль / Байгууллага Odense International School
Баталсан өдөр 1/9/21
Шинэчилсэн өдөр 1/9/21