Horizontal Projectile Motion

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Гарчиг Horizontal Projectile Motion
Тайлбар This is a physics lab experiment about horizontal projectile motion and it will help the students understand the concept of projectile motion with some simple questions at the end to make sure that the students understand the concept very well. It shows the procedures of the experiment clearly and will make the students know the factors that affect the motion of the projectile object.
Судлагдахуун Физик
Түвшин Төгсөгчид - Дотор
Төрөл Лаб
Багтаасан хариултууд Үгүй
Хэл Англи
Түлхүүр үгс Projectile motion
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Зохиогч(д) Abdallah Alalawneh
Сургууль / Байгууллага University of Sharjah
Баталсан өдөр 10/5/20
Шинэчилсэн өдөр 10/5/20