The Dichotomous Key

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Гарчиг The Dichotomous Key
Тайлбар This activity will introduce you to the other branch of Biology called Systematics. Systematics is a branch of Biology that deals with classification and nomenclature; taxonomy. To be able for the students to know how to use the dichotomous key. To be able for the students to know how to classify and sort the objects/specimens based on their given characteristics.
Судлагдахуун Биологи
Түвшин Ахлах анги
Төрөл Удирдамжтай үйл ажиллагаа
Үргэлжлэх хугацаа 60 минут
Багтаасан хариултууд Үгүй
Хэл Англи
Түлхүүр үгс Classification, Identifying characteristics, Sorting, specimens
Загварчлал(ууд) Байгалийн Селекци

Зохиогч(д) Honey Joy Soleria and Christine Mae Tecson
Сургууль / Байгууллага Mindanao State University - Iligan Institute of Technology
Баталсан өдөр 8/31/15
Шинэчилсэн өдөр 8/31/15