Salts and Solubility 3: Solution Equilibrium and Ksp (Inquiry Based) Алтны од нь PhET-ийн загварын заавраар өндөр чанартай, эрэл хайлтад суурилсан үйл ажиллагааг илрүүлдэг.

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Гарчиг Salts and Solubility 3: Solution Equilibrium and Ksp (Inquiry Based)
Тайлбар I have written a series of five activities using the Soluble Salts simulation to be used throughout the year. This is the third in the series. I plan to use this during second semester as part of Equilibrium. Reversible Reactions is used as part of the pre-activity lesson. The lesson plans for all 5 activities are included with the first activity, Soluble Salts 1 Introduction to Solubility. Learning Goals: Students will be able to Describe the equilibrium of a saturated solution macroscopically and microscopically with supporting illustrations; Write equilibrium expressions for salts dissolving; Calculate K sp from molecular modeling.
Судлагдахуун Хими
Түвшин Ахлах анги, Төгсөгчид - Дотор
Төрөл Зарчмын Асуултууд, Лаб
Үргэлжлэх хугацаа 120 минут
Багтаасан хариултууд Тийм
Хэл Англи
Түлхүүр үгс Equilibrium, Kinetics, chemistry, ion, molecule, phet activity, precipitation, reactions
Загварчлал(ууд) Эргэх Урвал, Давс ба Уусмал

Зохиогч(д) Trish Loeblein
Сургууль / Байгууллага PhET CU Boulder
Баталсан өдөр 5/12/06
Шинэчилсэн өдөр 7/9/13