Exploring (proportional) Density A gold star indicates high-quality, inquiry-based activities that follow the PhET design guidelines.

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Наслов Exploring (proportional) Density
Опис This activity is designed to give students a real-world context for proportional relationships by exploring mass, volume, and density. After open play, students complete a guided activity with class discussions to discover that mass and volume are in a proportional relationship, and the constant of proportionality is the item's density.
Предмет Математика
Ниво Средна школа
Тип Guided Activity
Траење 90 минути
Одговорите се вклучени Не
Јазик Англиски
Клучни зборови constant of proportionality, density, linear, proportional relationships
Симулации Density (HTML5), Густина

Автори Mary Burr
Школо / Организација FSUS
Поставено 6.7.16
Обновено 8.2.22